20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (2025)

Hi everyone!

Today I wanted to try some hand drawing ideas and thought I’d share them with you!

I have a previous blog post on how to draw hands for anyone who needs to learn the basics of how to draw a hand. You can check out the blog post here: How to Draw Hands Tutorial

However, if you are just looking for ideas to try out to help you practice drawing hands, I hope you find this blog post helpful and fun!

Hands can be pretty difficult to draw, even for more advanced artists… So I have included hand drawing ideas for whatever level you are at.

I hope you can find at least one idea that seems do-able for your drawing level and give it a try!

Drawing Tips: As usual, for beginner artists, I recommend first starting off with a pencil sketch. Once you are satisfied with your sketch, you can go over it with an ink pen if you’d like. When the ink dries, erase the sketch underneath to reveal your final drawing!

Now, let’s get on to the hand drawing ideas!

I hope you enjoy 🙂

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (1)

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1. Thumbs Up

Let’s start off this blog post with a cute little thumbs up drawing.

I hope this drawing reminds you that you can do it! You’re doing great!

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (2)

2. Catching the Moon and Stars

This is a drawing I created for one of my previous blog posts.

Since it includes hands, I thought it’d be a perfect fit for this blog post.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (3)

3. Butterfly Landing on Finger

I love this drawing idea of a butterfly landing on someone’s finger.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (4)

4. Step-By-Step

This is how I learned to draw hands when I was a child.

Because hands can be pretty difficult to draw, it works to have it in the back of my mind when I want to draw hands.

I hope this also can help you on your journey to learning how to draw hands.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (5)

5. Love Letter

Here is a simple doodle of someone handing a love letter to someone.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (6)

6. Hand Poses

Here is a collection of different hand poses you can try drawing.

I made it detailed for more advanced artists, but feel free to simplify the lines as well.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (7)

7. Peace Sign

Let’s draw the peace sign next!

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (8)

8. Flower and Butterflies

Next, let’s draw someone holding a flower to attract some butterflies.

9. Heart Sign

Here is a simple drawing of hands creating a heart shape.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (10)

I also wanted to add this other version of a heart sign using hands.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (11)

10. Holding Hands

Here are several different ways to draw hands being held.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (12)

11. Typing

Here is a drawing of someone typing away on a retro computer.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (13)

12. Balloon

Let’s draw someone letting go of a balloon next.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (14)

13. Holding a Rose

Here is a drawing of someone giving a rose to someone.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (15)

14. Cat and Phone

Here is a cute drawing idea of a cat checking out their phone.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (16)

15. Thread of Fate

I wanted to create a drawing based on the Red Thread of Fate (based off of Chinese mythology), which connects destined lovers together.

I really love how this drawing turned out. I hope you enjoy it too 🙂

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (17)

16. A Bird in the Hand

This drawing was inspired by the saying “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.”

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (18)

17. Boop the Snoot

Here’s a drawing of someone booping the snoot of a dog.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (19)

18. Hole in the Hand

This is a random drawing idea of hole in someone’s hand and a flower growing from the hole.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (20)

19. Zombie Hand

This is a drawing I drew from my Halloween Drawing Ideas blog post.

It was a fun drawing to create so I hope you enjoy drawing it too!

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (21)

20. Rings

Here is a simple drawing of a hand wearing a bunch of different rings.

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (22)

Related Blog Posts:
50 Cute Easy Things to Draw
45 Small Quick Doodles to Draw
30 Aesthetic Drawing Ideas

Thank you so much for stopping by this blog post!

I hope you found some cool hand drawing ideas you want to try drawing.

Let me know in the comment section which one(s) you enjoyed! (It takes me a little while to approve the comments so it won’t appear immediately).

If you are interested in more drawing ideas, feel free to look around this blog. I have posted so many on here!

I’m wishing you all a wonderful day or night, and keep drawing away!

20 Hand Drawing Ideas: How to Draw Hands (2025)


How do kids draw hands? ›

Activities for kids: Drawing a hand
  1. Make a quick outline. Draw a rectangle with a slightly widened top. ...
  2. Position your fingers. Sketch your thumb into two shapes: a strong base firmly anchored into your palm and a narrow, almost pointed tip. ...
  3. Outline your fingers. ...
  4. Draw the details.

How do you draw different types of hands? ›

Six steps to realistic hands.
  1. Step 1: Start with bone structure. Your first layer should be the bones of the hand, the carpals. ...
  2. Step 2: Mark your knuckles. ...
  3. Step 3: Draw 3D finger shapes. ...
  4. Step 4: Go over your lines with a darker pencil. ...
  5. Step 5: Fill in the details. ...
  6. Step 6: Lay down the final ink.

Why can't I draw hands? ›

While hands make for stunning drawings, they are notoriously difficult to draw due to the amount of bones, muscle, and tendons in each hand. But don't let that intimidate you. Simplify the process and break hand drawing down into basic shapes and manageable steps, and you'll be on your way to drawing a lifelike hand.

Why do kids draw big hands? ›

Hands: Stretching hands out indicate of a desire to connect to the environment or other persons or a willingness to help and interact. Large hand found in children's drawing of those who steal and small hands indicate the emotions associated with insecurity and helplessness.

How do you draw a good looking hand? ›

To make your hands look realistic, consider the height differences between your fingers. The middle finger should be the tallest, with the ring finger and index finger on the downward slope of the arch, and the little finger finishing out the line.

How can I improve my hand control when drawing? ›

Incorporate exercises like finger curls, wrist curls, and wrist rotations into your daily routine. These exercises strengthen the muscles used in fine motor movements, ensuring better control over your drawing tools and reducing the risk of hand fatigue.

How do you get good hand shape? ›

While there isn't much you can do to change the shape of your hands, you can definitely improve their appearance with regular care and proper grooming. If you do nothing else, be sure to moisturize your hands and fingernails several times each day with a high-quality moisturizer.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.