Flashy Flash/Relationships (2025)




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  • 1 Hero Association
    • 1.1 Saitama
    • 1.2 Tatsumaki
    • 1.3 Sweet Mask
    • 1.4 Metal Bat
    • 1.5 Shadow Ring
    • 1.6 Blast
    • 1.7 Superalloy Darkshine
  • 2 Ninja Village
    • 2.1 Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
    • 2.2 Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame
  • 3 Monster Association
    • 3.1 Manako

Hero Association[]


Flashy Flash/Relationships (1)

Flash mistook Saitama as a monster and the two had a brief scuffle. After clearing the misunderstanding, the two became acquaintances with one another, with Flash acknowledging Saitama's superior abilities. They soon explore the Monster Association Headquarters together. Flashy Flash gives him the cold shoulder saying he must defend himself and states that he would leave him behind if he cannot keep up. Flash finds Saitama irritatingbut after some time spent together lost in the base, he is impressed by some of Saitama's abilities. This gives Flash some respect towards the Caped Baldy but he claims that he still has much to learn.

Flashy Flash/Relationships (2) Expand to see original webcomic information. Beware of spoiler content.

After being defeated by Garou, Flash was one of the few who retained consciousness and witnessed Saitama defeating Garou. In addition to acknowledging Saitama's strength, Flash decides that Saitama needs a teacher to polish his strength. However, because of his assassin's instinct and mindset, he still looks down on Saitama since he feels that Saitama wastes a lot of his athletic potentialand lets his guard down, givinghis opponents an unnecessary chance to strike him.


Flash and Tatsumaki have an unpleasant relationship with one another, just like with other S-Class heroes. However, he appears to not be afraid of her and is willing to scold her back whenever she insults him. At one point, he insults her powers, saying they halted her physical and mental growth.

Sweet Mask[]

Flash does not like Sweet Mask's authoritative and egotistical attitude. While he has some disdain towards some of the S-Class heroes, the tone he gives off is either of annoyance or even teasing, as seen with his interactions with Metal Bat. Flash's displeasure towards Sweet Mask goesto the point of eliciting his murderous intent towards thefellow hero. He goes out of his way to instigate a challenge against Sweet Mask.

Metal Bat[]

They had limited interactions during the anime and OVAs. However, neither of them could get along with one another. In both moments, Flash would instigate a verbal conflict whenever Metal Bat is talking. This usually ends with Flash mocking Metal Bat and Metal Bat's temper escalating the conflict between them.

Shadow Ring[]

The two are trained in separatearts of ninjutsu whileemploying themselves into the Hero Association. Shadow Ring is one of the few heroes Flash shows any respect towards. Hecomplimented Shadow Ring's ninjutsu, even asking her for details of her technique. ForShadow Ring, she is very impressed with Flash's speed. Flash later on notes that ninjutsunot only comes from his village but also other places, using Shadow Ring as an example.


Flashy Flash/Relationships (3)

Flash has not had any extended amounts of time with Blast and they only met briefly when Blast suddenly appeared in front of him and Saitama. Like with Saitama and presumably any strong opponent, Flash tried to test Blast's strength by attacking him. However; Blast was able to easily avoid the attack, causing Flash to break out in a nervous sweat.

Superalloy Darkshine[]

Flashy Flash/Relationships (4) Expand to see original webcomic information. Beware of spoiler content.

While there was never a true interaction between the two, Darkshine and Flash are known to be a dangerous combo in battle. The two stood together against Garou alongside Puri Puri Prisoner.

Ninja Village[]

Speed-o'-Sound Sonic[]

Flashy Flash/Relationships (5)

Speed-o'-Sound Sonic was Flash's classmate in the 44th Graduation Class during his time as a trainee in the Ninja Village. When Flash was practicing techniques, Sonic decided to approachhim and theybecame friends who relied on each other to keep their sense of morality during the brutal training of the village that encouraged the complete removal of all emotions. Sonic was the one who instructed Flash in the ways of the sword. The two ninjas bonded, with Flash noting that talking with him allowed him to recover his emotions lost from the Ninja Village training, making it a good experience for him. They both shared a sense of justice and a desire to change the institution of the Ninja Village. Unlike other graduates from the village, the two decided to oppose Empty Void, the Ninja Village leader, supporting each other throughout the confrontation. In their encounter with Void, it's also apparent that if Sonic were to die, Flash would suffer from emotional vulnerability. That's why Void tried to kill Sonic in an attempt to more easily convert Flash into a Mysterious Being using a mysterious cube, although failed due to Blast's intervention.

Flashy Flash/Relationships (6) Expand to see original webcomic information. Beware of spoiler content.

In the webcomic, when Flash wenton a killing spree and destroyed the entire village, hetried to poison Sonic's tasteless stew rather than brutally murdering him like everyone else as a mercy kill. He notes that as he and Sonic were twoof the worst students, they had endured even harsher training than others, which is why Sonic is still alive. When Flash found out about Sonic's survival until now after being exposed to the outside world and the bounty on his head (as he is an S-Class criminal), he chose not to hunt him, indicating the strength of their previous relationship.

Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame[]

Flashy Flash/Relationships (7)

Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame were Flash's seniors in the Ninja Village, being from the 37th Graduation Class. The two ninjas desired to kill Flash due to his ninjutsu talents and causing an incident that killed almost all of the Ninja Village's 44th Graduation Class known as "The End".

Though he initially mocked the two ninjas, questioning what the point of their immense speed was if their brains could not keep up with their actions, by the end of the fight he displayed some respect towards them while still claiming that they lacked in training.

Monster Association[]


When running around the Monster Association's headquarters he first meets Manako hiding away in a toilet. She is eventually taken as a hostage to guide him and Saitama around, while trying to look for Orochi. Flash also considers Manako a freak due to being both a monster and because of her powers. Despite his views on Manako however, Flash willingly saved her when Orochi attempted to consume her.

After the battle with the Monster Association, Flash spends some time attempting to find remnants of the Monster Association, including Manako due to her being one of the few making contact with God.

Flashy Flash/Relationships (2025)


What is Flashy Flash gender? ›

Flashy Flash is a lean but muscular young man of average height with an androgynous appearance. He has sharp blue eyes and long ice-blonde hair with bangs brushed to the right side of his face.

What is the relationship between Flashy Flash and sonic? ›

When Flash was practicing techniques, Sonic decided to approach him and they became friends who relied on each other to keep their sense of morality during the brutal training of the village that encouraged the complete removal of all emotions. Sonic was the one who instructed Flash in the ways of the sword.

Does Fubuki like Saitama? ›

On her way to visit the imprisoned Psykos, Fubuki trusts Saitama enough to request him to accompany her, taking into account the possible threat of Tatsumaki, and expresses admiration for Saitama as one of those who have reached the top.

Will everyone know Saitama's true strength? ›

Despite being the most powerful being in the series, Saitama's power is mostly unacknowledged, especially before registering as a professional hero for the Hero Association, due to him not claiming his achievements.

Is Flashy Flash faster than Goku? ›

If it really took him 0.00001 microseconds, this meant the Flash traveled 2.5 quintillion miles per hour -- or roughly 3.7 trillion times the speed of light. This means that Wally West traveled 111 million times FASTER than Goku as of the Buu Saga, based on their maximum recorded speeds.

Is Flash A Boy or a girl? ›

Initially referred to as a boy, Flash is later regularly a girl, despite an occasional male reference afterwards.

Who is Saitama's wife? ›

No, Saitama doesn't have a wife, neither in the manga nor in the webcomic.

Who had a crush on Saitama? ›

Fubuki's feelings for the bald hero were all but confirmed by her crushed reaction when Saitama called her an "acquaintance".

Who is obsessed with Saitama? ›

After witnessing Saitama defeat Garou however, not only does Sweet Mask fully acknowledge Saitama's tremendous strength, but he becomes somewhat obsessed with him, considering him to possess the true beauty of overwhelming power and would even start to compare new heroes to Saitama.

Can Goku beat Saitama? ›

The mere comparison of strength between the two characters is crazy. Goku is an extraterrestrial being who has to lose a fight in order to get stronger. Saitama is a man that can defeat any foe with a single punch. If the two of them were to face off in a one-on-one battle, Saitama would easily win.

Does Saitama fight God? ›

God is a tough opponent for Saitama, and while Saitama ultimately emerges victorious, he destroys the entire universe in the process. While there seem to be no current plans by Cminglap to write a sequel, the One-Punch Man fan comic does leave many questions unanswered that could be the focus of future installments.

Why does the Ninja Village hate Flashy Flash? ›

Their main goal is to kill Flashy Flash, who they all hate due to him destroying the village, and to welcome "him" (the leader of the ninja village) as their leader to kill the aging Blast. Once this is done, they plan to go out of hiding and take over the world with their superior ninjutsu skills.

Who is flashes girl? ›

Iris West works as a reporter for Picture News, based in Central City, and is the fiancée of Barry Allen, who is secretly the Flash.

Who is faster, Sonic or Flashy Flash? ›

Is He The Fastest? Flashy is faster than Sonic, and one moment confirms this: when Gale Wind– who could easily surpass Sonic– suggests that Sonic needs to eat a monster cell to help them defeat Flashy, basically admitting he's not as fast as Flashy. Garou has also surprised Flashy Flash with his velocity.

Does Tatsumaki like Saitama? ›

Therefore, it is quite clear that Tatsumaki does not like Saitama and fans will have to wait for the rest of the webcomic chapters to be released to see if the relationship develops further. That being said, it is noteworthy to mention that Fubuki x Saitama ship makes a lot more sense in One Punch Man.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.