AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT Updated Affidavit of Debt in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment February 17, 2023 (2024)

AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT Updated Affidavit of Debt in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment February 17, 2023 (1)

AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT Updated Affidavit of Debt in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment February 17, 2023 (2)

  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT Updated Affidavit of Debt in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment February 17, 2023 (3)
  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT Updated Affidavit of Debt in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment February 17, 2023 (4)
  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT Updated Affidavit of Debt in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment February 17, 2023 (5)
  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT Updated Affidavit of Debt in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment February 17, 2023 (6)
  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT Updated Affidavit of Debt in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment February 17, 2023 (7)
  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT Updated Affidavit of Debt in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment February 17, 2023 (8)
  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT Updated Affidavit of Debt in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment February 17, 2023 (9)
  • AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT Updated Affidavit of Debt in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment February 17, 2023 (10)


STATE OF CONNECTICUTMIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC,Plaintiff-vs- AFFIDAVIT OF EVELYN KOSHENINANICHOLE HAWKINS,Defendant(s).Evelyn Koshenina, whose business address is 16 McLeland Road Suite 101, St. Cloud, MN56303, certifies and says:1. 1am employed as a Legal Specialist and have access to pertinent records for MidlandCredit Management, Inc. ("Plaintiff or "MCM"). ] am a competent person over eighteenyears of age, and make the statements herein based upon personal knowledge of thoseaccount records maintained by Plaintiff. Plaintiff is the current owner of, and was assignedall the rights, title and interest to Defendant's COMENITY CAPITAL BANK accountXXXXXXKXXXXKXXX3812 (hereinafter "the Account").2. [have access to and have reviewed the electronic records pertaining to the Accountmaintained by MCM and am authorized to make this affidavit on MCM's behalf. Theelectronic records reviewed consist of (i) data and. records acquired from the seller or assignorwhen MCM purchased or was assigned the Account, which were incorporated into MCM'sbusiness records upon purchase or assignment, and (ii) data and records generated by MCMin connection with servicing the Account since the date the Account was purchased by or wasassigned to MCM. In addition, I reviewed the documents that are attached to this affidavit.3. | am familiar with and trained on the manner and method by which MCM createsand maintains its business records pertaining to the Account, which consist of (i) data anddocuments acquired from the seller or assignor, and (ii) subsequent collection and/or servicingactivities by MCM. The records are acquired or created, and are kept in the regular course ofMCM's business. It was in the regular course of MCM's business for a person with knowledgeof the subsequent collection and/or servicing activities recorded, and a business duty to report,AFFIDAVIT OF EVELYN KOSHENINA - 1303814360to make the record or data compilation, or to transmit information thereof to be included insuch record, or for such information to be posted in MCM's records by a computer or similardigital means, In the regular course of MCM's business, the record or compilation of thesubsequent collection activities is made at or near the time of the act or event by MCM asaregular practice.4. The accuracy of such records is relied upon by Plaintiff in collecting this Account. Theserecords are trustworthy and relied upon because the original creditor was required to keepcareful records of the Account at issue in this case as required by law and/or suffer businessloss.5. | MCM's records show that this action is based upon a credit agreement betweenDefendant(s) and the original creditor. MCM's records further show that Defendant(s) used orauthorized the use of the credit Account but failed to make the payments due pursuant to theagreement.6. | MCM's records show that the Account was opened on 2018-08-11 and charged off on2019-12-31 with a balance of $7,889.22. On or about 2020-01-23, Plaintiff purchased andwas assigned the balance owed by Defendant of $7,889.22. As of 2023-02-07, MCM's recordsshow that the balance of $7,889.22 remains due and owing and no interest has been assessedto the Account. Therefore, Plaintiff seeks the amount of $7,889.22 from Defendant, All creditsand offsets for payments have been applied to the balance.7. MCM's records shows that the last payment posted to the Account on 2019-04-10.8. The complete chain of title including COMENITY CAPITAL BANK, the originalcreditor, and all post-charge-off purchasers/assignees of the debt are as follows:1. 2020-01-23 COMENITY CAPITAL 2795 E. COTTON WOOD PARKWAY,SUITEBANK. 100,SALT LAKE CITY,UT,841212. Midland Credit Management, 350 CAMINO DE LA REINA,SUITEInc. 100,SAN DIEGO,CA,921089. Attached hereto are the following records regarding the Account;AFFIDAVIT OF EVELYN KOSHENINA - 2303814360Exhibit A. Statement(s) (including statement(s) reflecting the charge-off balance, andrecording the last purchase transaction, service billed, payment, or balancetransfer) and an additional statement sent to Defendant(s) while the Accountwas active, which shows the Defendant's name and addressExhibitB. ___ Bills) of Sale, Assignment and/or Affidavit(s) of SaleExhibit C. Seller data sheet reflecting the individual Account information from theelectronic records provided by the seller or assignor pursuant to the Bill(s)of Sale, Assignment(s) and/or Affidavit(s) of Sale in connection with thesale or assignment of the Account to Plaintiff10. The documents attached hereto are true and correct copies of the originals, being areproduction of Plaintiff's records, based upon my review, except to the extent that confidentialand privileged information and/or personal identifying information is omitted or redacted asrequired by local rules, and applicable state and federal law.11. If called to testify as a witness thereon, I could and would competently testify as to allthe facts stated herein.tert BLANK INTENTIONALLYAFFIDAVIT OF EVELYN KOSHENINA - 3303814360I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements are true and correct.FEB 07 2023DateEvelyn RosheninaSTATE OF MINNESOTA.COUNTY OF STEARNSFEB 0 7 2023Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me onby Evelyn Koshenina.WATZKENotary PublicMinnesota‘Commrfasion Expires dan, 34,2005»AFFIDAVIT OF EVELYN KOSHENINA - 4303814360PAGE 1OF4ites ne th aa PENitinee esees as‘Aceounl 3. verssmersees9812 Now balance $7,069.22Minimum payment due 1,422.00Provious balance $7741.97 Payment due date e1vaa/2020Payments ogOther avedta Soo Late payment warning:twa do not recaive your minimum payment by 01/04/2020 you mayPurchases 0.00Olhor dabia 0.00 hava topay up toa 308,00 flo feeCash advance 9:00“ aaimimam pasyevant warntng: i you make only the minimumGatance transfer 222% _aymant for gach perl, you wl psy mare in inert end Iw fakeinewast hae ied 10925 ‘you longer to pay aff yaur balances, Far example:jie bates iiyau make no eddifonal | You will pay off | And you willcharges using thie extd | tha balance chown | end up paying nn|Past ave amount 1,234.00 Gnd exch month yau pny: | on thw statement | actimated totalGreat nit 57,000.00 * | imabout: of JAvett cut ee Gniy tha minimom payment | 20 years 7088stale onan 400-00 "Forinformalen cagarding are eouneding exces,Statamant closing date e)osR018 wall 1-800-264-1706,Daye in bling cycle atFoess2oamo1e «LATE PEE 98,00‘Total fees charged for this perlod $28.00Interest chargeInterest charge on purchases $100.25Interest charge an cash advance 30.00Interest charge on balances transfer 80,00Total interaat for thie perlod $109.282018 lotale year to dateTotal faas chosgad in 2018 $342.00‘Total interost ehsrged in 2018 $1,294.22Pees tceee eo) is i i"Your Annual Percantaga Aats (APA) is the annual Ivereat rate on your accoual, Soa BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOGgn page 2 for more details. Minimum interest charge may exceed falarast charga below, per your oredt cart! agreament,‘TYPE OF BALANGE SUBSECT. WrerestBALANCE APR YO INTEREST AATE CHARGEPurchases 18,4900% 7,802.02 109.26Cash advences 29,4900% (¥) 0.00 98.00EXIM nse E zImportant Reminder: If you make a purchase with this credit card using a premotionat plan, thepromotional pian expiration date and payment due dats may be differant. This means that you have anyTemahiing promatienal plan balance after the promotional plan expiration date, the balance and anyacorvad interest (W applicable), wil move to your requiar revolving plan on the next biling statement,converaumber srnn nee 0008-3812an ease) ra gai‘$7,899.22 $1,422.00waPeyment must reach us by(C1 osaitauesmeves ocupaetes ov Amount enclosed: 6p et an oUOdOg$ Fine mai ook payee wrCOMENITY - My Bus Perks MastorcardAgogo fa YL MY salts et lePlease return this portion along with your payment te:SUCHOLE RANKINS PO BOX 659834HARTEORD GF 06120-2112 SAN ANTONIO TX 78265-0194safletgct Ete vnse fg Ht afl aged teeusyosoos gooo2s4: —RRRENMsa.2 oncrszanc oon7eseEXHIBIT A‘weep this partion fer yar cecords,What To.00 You Think You Find A Mistake Cn Your Statementyou mi te a9 ear sous sateen wie on as Comenty‘Gapil bank PO Box 162026, Curbs, Ohio 432 18-2620.Imyour fate, ve us the folowing Snfersoalions© Account Iifrrration: Your nara and acecual narber.+ Dolla amanmnt- The dovlat amount of Ure stspected eer.++ Dessrjaion af Pele: yes Ink ive isn exer on yeu bldeserve wal you Baliye is Weng and vay yeu belive Hs alate,‘Yu rst contact us within G0 cays afi Ue eor appeased nt yorStatement‘Yeu st nelly us of any potential axes in writing. Yeu ray callus, at ityas dove a ol ceuted eittate any pana eres aya myhave to pay Une c*nt in question,he evel hetero no thei ber a ar elonwe tty4 Weal ty ta eottect the amount tn quastlny, or repartee asshliaguenl en that amount,+ The clinge In quest rang remain on you statesnent, and we mayonthe fo change you faterest ge tha! sraaunl, But, i we datermine that‘ye made a mistake, you will not have Lo pty the aman! Ya aesTion o¢any interest ce ather tees elated to thal amour+ Ville yas doco hae Lo pay the amount in question, you ae responsinke(er theremaiece of our balenee,+ We ca apply any Unpais amen against your eect limi,oar Right You Are Disetitled Wits Your Cre Cad PurchasesUs ye ave sate vat he goods or services hat eu ave purchasedwl cates us ve egg at canepoblenSeren ave on te pronase.To se hit al ofa fllowing rast be esi hagas uate etn yon sl iin 30‘ilesd yur enrent raling ade, and tha purchase pice THs hove‘een mate than $50, (Abts Neither of Wesel nocostry 1 yeu purchaseeric anan naenenent ws alee vo Yar ef ec te comoanyWhat stay fo goods ar sevvicus)Deu ust ave used yo ret card fr the pochase, Purchases vad‘veah ences ety ae Alo” wih ork Mal acensses aur eelGyaneceam done qi.23 You ae lst hve fly paid ter The purchase,1 tee a Cae Gale Bad FOB 180,‘aolectue CoeExist, So 489182020, "hile we estat, te same ues goal oe ad c*nt asSiren ore ter we ik oa iestton, el (el ys crSecklon, A hat put we tink Yo ean ru and Yo SO ayfem report yea os dinebiling cele, We vil not change yoo ites‘BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD, We eal infest separate fo,adh Npe of balance en you account using "ily Balancn to detrineInte ches er eae fing paved We awe he rest agenar seein by ah ha pce aan cay olan! of“occur ec eas dey in Ue tain ofele, Foal he daly baianen wokethe begining balanen of yest sceourteach day, acl ay haw urchass,tener fees and tance Vanes, ae sublet sy Pasents 3 ‘mnoits{eating ry riel exec naga B64 Heo akence), Th lve Us Ue dally‘ay not be credited ta yew Acpountfs mreghleyed fadamak of Mastercard internist Ineererated,Correct Fermat, Carcet (erat far ifeveat payment method intudspayment Stub ad do net cend any cevrespendence vii ner Yainclude ae, Onfins You can make 2 payment enfie at comenityacl|s.fedloving times: Mavling ancl Overlghih By &C0 pr Eastan Tne (ED,:Fas ana i cGe ees entFC os cet area ya er cmc na CaenSerta rel frst SSN STAT UALS tte te‘SREDIT REPORTING Ue may reper inlamation abo your asocint toSian Euteans Lalepaymll ised payments or ober defells on Your‘seca say be eeced in yes el reper,[NOTICE OF CREDIT REPORT DISPUTES Ifyou belive te accountInka we ered 8 erie repay agency sarc youTamia dvect Dapate lo Comemty Capital Gark RO Box 162120,‘Gauarens, Chis 43282 120. Your wien dxpute mst provide sulctertIai enti acent ad ec wy ewaninaccurate,= heccamIntseratlon: Your nasa ane account nase+ Contact inlorsaten: Your adhuss and loteehone narber* Dispoted infermatin: [dey the account infemallcn eisputed andexplain whi you ellve its knacurale«+ Stpeting Boeumentaton:H avaliable, rode a copy of the sect ofie eredttepar shoving Ine azeaunt Infcmmalion at ve esp‘Weil iwestigte the dissainfomaion and sept te rsult oye‘in 30 days of receipt ofthe bfcriation needed fr our ingestgatio, It‘we find Ura Doe cect information we reporid ts inaccurate, we wilreply oie eset cacti (eth cont eer‘agency fo witch we sepsrted Te intmatien,PAYMENTS MARKED PAID IN FULL, All written communicationsre spree arscamis tha inchide ary check or eer BajnentInsrumant acked ‘payovent in fut ¢sbnie faateage, us be sen| to:‘GEO Nerdy Loch 1606 bast, Sulle 101, San Aitento, 78247-5004,‘DQ NOT USE THE ENCLOSED REMNTTANCE ENVELOPE,“Wks may accept payment aan toany ales adress with losing ay ofcuresNa payment shall operate as an avcocd and satstaction with por‘aiten apparaGUSTORER SPRVICE, st cemenlty. neta cr call 1-855-269-1022 (oyath na mechant yas mye Ine rent na To pay theresaining BES Prks Maseear day 1 A127 Lath (My O's Ps WorldMaiecard (DOW 085-317 1918),TELEPHONE NOHTTOREN, To prod yu ih ph ually sevien haeTEARS AUER amleed ache easeADDITION. AEOAMATION. The (tanng. ath,pie fo ofa aes tae te ong: Vase atarateSen all neues to: CUSTOMER SERVICE, PO Box 183003, Calmnbus,(Onto 43218-3008,‘Sen all bankucey notes ard efted corespendenge to CanenityGe ar Hird Depart, PO Bax IABOAY, Clara, Oo[NOTICE ABOUT ELECTRONIC CHECK GONVERSION, When you provide aPAUING NFEREST, Youre date al east 28 dae aller he ne hens SHOES PUN a uMNBH EM Os ee‘heat fo ane nme eine ins eer re you seaunt O10foes the pent a eek atctlin, hen we nmalion fomforcted irda ed unite, ty beccaacpi soo we Se ve our aegoredinotrecene ya check beck pou fnanea sna.AME, ya fc ty ppt at by ei tbl, doe ety pape Ince ara aie iereal Xo ive da or my baefecteg. Aso, your{he paymterA snethou yoo select, Tis ard fs fsied by Comveity Capital Bank raxsuent toe Hees Trem Mastercard (aterea Must The payment cute tine that appliesgn must eae usby te pament cul te o 4raline of Occrights Senda personal check, mney cde, avele's check or case's check payae in US. dlls, to Ino nina and adress shavenTae Be iment Ire panne tio area contami your Salanco an ninmum pavvent ace, Ge. sme tatnchide your payatent stub, do nok ste &clip yeas pagment o te stb, include your umber enor eek, ue the env provided wath your Sltement, send one pajment with onesha pment 0 CREO Narn aap TOM Ext Sle 10, Saylod ear bulan Bere ina date, inate esau tallowaqme abt Ten, Pentel neon aru eae pment rey Iau eo Sale i fe ae sa we the.By Phora By B00 pas (ED Onfin: By 8:00 frm ET,ew infermation‘Tle topfionalh _—- Fest ame Miast Nome, Sot. See, No,Biroot Adcross.Apt, No, RR PO Boxtty State. Zip Code. Forolgn Mp CovtsHome Phone , Work Phone.eal] AdresREPANE QOF ¢How te avoid of minimize Interest ehargos: Be sure to pay any promotional plan balanea In full an.or bafora tha plan exalraton date shovm in tha “Datalts of your plins" section of your statement. Pleasealso Keap an aye out for nolifigations of whan your pramotionel plans) are nearing their expirationdate-—yau'll see ther In tha red box on paga 4 of your slatament. If you have quastions, please call ustolHfree at 1-844-271-2535 (TDO/TTY: 1-888-819-1918), To laarn more about how promotional plans work,visit comenity,corvfinancta-auoation, We're atvays happy tohalp.IMMEDIATE ATTENTION REQUIRED! Your Acoount is exlremsly pest dus and wil be written off as abad debt al the and of this month. To evold this, you can pay the Minimum arnount shown on thisstatement before the end of this month, Ifyou are nat able to pay the Minimum Paymant amount, we willsti ba able to assist you and prevent your account from being writtan off, Callus at 1-855-617-8089CTODFTTY 1-888-819-1918) and we wil Bnd a suitable paymont belore the end of this month. Hf valttsn off,the bad debt will ba taportad to tha thea major credit bureRus End our Raoovory taam will determine theapprontiata stapa, as permitted and oveltabls uncer eppHoable law, to protect cur interests,Protect yourself against mail and phone corisumer fretsd.nttpaabout.usps.comypublications/pub28 {/weloame himYSUCd00b ancnea4e a Quoa42280 Dora IePAGE 4 QF 4451 DA? O02 SoAdComenity Capital Bank“ PO Box 183003Columbus, OH 43218-3003PL fperdeytga teeter dyer Eat ial 01/47/2020NICHOLE HAWKINS Account Ending in; 381245 LOOMIS STHARTFORD CT 08120-2112Current Balance: $7,889.22Account Ending In: 3812Dear NICHOLE HAWKINS,As of Dee 31, 2019, your My BJ's Perks® account, which was Issued by and owned by Comenity CapitalBank (Comenity), was closed and charged-off. PYour account changed off with a balance of $7,889.22 onDeo 31, 2019. We have sold the account to Midland Credit Management, Inc,As the new owner of the account, Midland Credit Management, Inc. is entitled to pursue the collectionactivities and other legal remedies to collect the unpald balances on your charged-off account, now due to:Midland Gredit Management, Inc. All future communications regarding this account will be initiated byMidland Credil Management, inc. and/or their collection servicers, .Alt future questions, correspondence and outstanding payments associated with this account should be |directed to:Midland Credit Management, inc,P.O, Box 301030Los Angeles, CA 90030-10304-877-798-7999Para Espafiol: 1-877-798-7960www.midiandcreditonline.comSincerely,Recovery DepartmentIMPORTANT NOTIGE: THIS COMMUNICATION IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ADEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSEThis card is jssusd by GComenity Capital Bank pursuant to a license by Mastercard International incorporaled, Mastercard {5 a registeredtrademark of Mastercard Intemational incerparated.WE -3 52 2020-01-17 page i of 4Visit our Payment Help Center schedule a payment for the minimum dueand bring your account current.‘Agcount no.‘W774 a7‘Minium paryrnont dua $4,204.00‘Previeus balance $7,598.04 Payment due date 12H0ARDPaymente 0,00Oller credtis O00 Late paynisnt warning;Purghinene 0.00 iFyre de-no! receive your minimum psymont by 12/04f2019 yeu mayOther dabis coc, he¥o lo puy up lo « 88,00 lato .Sash advancs: 0.00 Minimumpayment warning: you make oniy theBatenes Warefar 0.00 payment for each period, you Wil pay more in Infereut and iL will laotess you longer to pay off your balances, For example:Brat oF Wiyou make ne wddienel [Vou whl pay off | And you wilcharges using thic entd the balnnce shown| end up poykag an|Past dua amc*nt ¥,052.00 andeach month you pay: | onthe statement | celtmated total‘Oral nts 97,000.00 on in about: oftAvalabo ered $0.00 Galy the minim payment | 20 years 2aat cen $1409.00 Farintormatlon regarding cred counseling services,Blalosenl clasing dato soazns9 all 1-800-284-1708,aye ft biting oycta 30Feestogante LATE FEE 38.00otal teas chargad fer this perlod 08.00interest chargedIntorest charge on purchases 8108.43interest charge on cash advance $0.00Inlerest charge on balance transfer $0.00Tolat interest tor tls parlad $105.99201 totals yoar to date“Total foae chargad In 2018 304,00Fois! interest chargad la 2019 F425.07SESE i‘Your Annual Percantage Rats (APA} is tho annual nlereet rafo an your accouni, See BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD‘on pago 2 for mors etait, Minimur Interest charge mey exceed interes! charge batew, por your eredit cord agreamons,TYPE OF DALANGE SUBJECT miyenestBALANCE apa TOUTERERT AATE ‘CHARGEPurchases 16,7400% Ww 106.330.09Gnsh marcos 28,7400% (0important Reminder: If you make a purchase with this credil card using a promotional pian, thepromotional plan expiration date and paymant due dats may be differenl. Thls moana that # you have anyremaining promotional plan balance after Ihe promotional plan expiration date, the balance and anyaccrued interest (if applicable}, will move lo your regular revolving plan on the next biting statementteonmmueFracourti number 12Hew Bawncg: Winimarn payer etzrayar | $4,254.00oo4Pyro rl eee wsVeet notes taney Amount ercionsd: Spm i? an 42/08/2018,‘cess aaaARVADA tot. SOMENTY Mr Ye Peis Nesionene Ploage ratvrn thls portion alang with your payment to;NICHOLE HAWKINSwseueen PO BOX 859834HARTFORD CT 00120-2412 BAN ANTONIO TX 78266-8134Maar aban agora ap Meh LLus.oanns ooocesca ~=© RPove | ooox23900 oo07742971Bonva aemnings may take up lo one month aller the promotion poriod ands to add to your agcount eleotrontoally. Bu's PerksRewards@ Mambors eam 6% cash beck {Instead of 2%), B's Porke Phas Cradit Oard holders ‘par 9% cash baok (instead of2%) and B.'s Perks Elite® Credit Card holders eam 15% cash back (Instead of 5%). Earnings with the My Bu's Perks®Meolercard® Credit Card ore subject to credit approval. Must contact BW's Member Care at 800-8J8-CLUB fo request cash back]inthe form of a check prior fo Award expiration. Cash back is inthe form of electronlo Awards isaued in $20 inoremeris thal areused at checkout af By's and expire six months irom the date issued. Vall 11/14/16- 12/2/48, Otfor i axctuslve to My B'sParkst Maslorcard® Credit Card hiodora enrolled in the My Bu's Porks@ program, Thla rewards pragram is provided by Bi's‘Wholesale Chub, Inc. and lis terme may change at eny ilme. For ful Rewards Torms und Conditions, please seeBUs,comvperkstorms. Tires do not ship direct to consumers. 3X Pecks promotlonal earnings are earned on TV and lirepurchages ao delermined by BJ's Wholasalo Cli, Ina. Meking a rolum in the same Wensaction as your purchase may rosull inaoa fewer total eaminge, bacause esmings ara calculated off of your Eligible Purchase (in this case, your purchase minus:ralum).My BJ's Parke Mastercarc® Crodil Card Aaccunls are lesued by Comenily Capital Bank pursuant (o a Boorse item Mastercard]Inlernational Incorporated. Mastercard and the Mastercard Brand Mark exe regislered tradomavks of Mastercard this pon Tor your ecards.hel To Do If You Thlok You Find A Mistake Qa Your Statemea!41 you think haya s-an ugar on your sateen, rtd fous at ComeyCapit Bank PO Bue 182620, Columbus, Onis 43218-2620,In your lala, ve us the following falormation:= Aeccurl ieristlon: Yous nao zd aecoani suber,4 Dollar amour The dalar aout ofthe suspected exes,» Deserfplon of Problem: 1! you tok thera fs an errr on your billdesc wal you belava fs orang ond why you ballove EL is a tislake,Yau rust contact ux within 60 days alley the errr eppoared vn yourMatotscrl,You inst natily us of any potential errrs én wrillag. You my calls, tidbe we ok requir [a rweslitate any poten rears al you. myhave fo pay (he amount In question.Whe we veils ahr at Hh bana tay he evnsu rua:FW eancat Ir teeteet sha amount fo queslon, or ceport you Hsdelinguent on Thal amount,+ Shu fangs in question ay ceealn on your statement, and wu mayontinaa to charge you inlaest on thel amour, Bu it we determine that‘oe mua a elstake, you wll not ave 0 pay The mmcual ie queslion or‘ang tse! or otha fos related fo that anmwat+ ile youd rs ave to pay Hv amount in question, you ava eesponsiblefor Uae yomainder of yaw balance,We ean apply any ungeid amu agelnat your cad Me,Your Rights Uf You Are Dissatsfled With Vous Credit Card Purchasesypu re aie wlth tn one wees hl you hve chs‘ah your exedl ear, and you Rai (eed in good lath Yo ceareot theDroblom with the etchant, you way have the ight nol Te pays remaining‘inount daz on tha purchase.Tose this righ, af of the following sus be Le1. The purchase wiust have teen mave in your hema sizte within 100rnilos of your curant malting adress, and the porohace peice must have‘boun mote loan $50. (Ate: Nether of these ts nzcassay if your purchase‘eos bed un an advertzomanl ye malted fo you, oe om INs cermpenyAtal sold you ve woods wr sorviws)2.You rest Rave wed your crud! card ov the purchase, Purchases malevith cash advances ict ams ATM oF with 3 check thal accesses your creditbard azccunl wo rel quily.'3 You oust no yut have fully pu for the purchaseUl ofthe citer above we iret apd you ate stl ssa atid stn thepurchase, conkael us it writing ahs Camenily Capitol rank [0 Box 182620,Colaineus, Obiu 43218-2520,‘While wa investiga, tno soene rules apply 4a tho dispued aount asdiscussed above. Mler we finish uu investigation, wl Lell you ott‘decision. A that pol, TT we Think yeu oe an mnt and ys UO ook pay‘wo may ruporl yuu ae delloquent,PAYING INTEREST, Your dow uele ix al jast 25 ays aller hw closa of oactt‘io eye, We wit oa ergs yu ilausl an purchases i cu pay OU.entice Geionee ty the du Uote each rrianth, We wll bepi changing inizes!fn batanos trarslars and cash advances on the trensactlon dol, Wa wil‘eels to charge Infavesl on now purchases made urnfor 3 Low APR, EauParmer or Sudgct Paymnon| Grad Pfar from Uhe date of purchase.SALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD. Wa calculate ingest soparaicly [ot‘ach lye of bslenee on your accoul usin a "Dally Balance to deterntneinerel chara itch ing gov. Hr, ten cha otxour account by appa, Ih par rt oo ay bales ol rotonl enc yn ill crt, Taglar! wo ake‘evloning bstence ol your accoun exch cay, edd any new purchssesaha es und Laine areata mic! 9 Ps enis or edsAuctions 4 ibe Fehr y‘axy nol bo. your Account for up ia ive day,PORTING, Wo may ropa infomation abou you: acco 6Sail ureaes tale apart sed payments, robe Seas yurretested im your er teprt.NOTICE OF CREDIT REPORT DISPUTES If you batlove Sha accuinfonraon we reported fa 2 eorsuaner ceparting azancy fs Inaccurate, oumay aul 3 dive! dispute tu Coxenity Capital ark AO Sex 182126)uss, Ohig 48218°2120, Your wlan dul ust provide sulilentflonan lo Mette Betoun ae spel wy he ntrationncurses‘Azcount Information: Your nate and soceunt umsonal tafarmation: Your adress anc folephone noanber+ Disputed lnformetfon; Mentily Bw eccouel formation disputed amtexplain wy you balevo fs inaceura“Supporting Bacumentations Il ayallabltha creel epee shasting the account laAe il inosine th sted idomatin and opt the yrs tau‘iin 30 days of rozelpt of Ihe infernallon needed for ur hwestigalioni ia i csr ioral a pad aaa anity provide Ina nacevsary ceerection|{o each consumer[peney fo uh opted ihe nlomation.PAYMENTS MARKED "PAID IN FULLS. A? willen communicationseesti disputed amounts thal Include any ehock or offmy paymentKetone tik part a tv ong‘6550 North Loup 1604 East, Sule 101, San Antonio, TK 78247-8004,‘DO NOT USE THE ENCLOSED REMITTANCE ENVELOPE,tera septs oon ar sont vr‘ourrighis,Na pajnnt chal oparalo as ae aecord and salisiacton without prior‘ater approval,CUSTOMER SERVICE, VsiLcomesity net bjs or caf 1-RS6-269-1672 thyBu's Pens Maslereaca) ne 1844-271 2536 (My B's Pots WorksMasleccard) (DDITHY 1-@68-819-19%8).‘TELEPHONE MONITORING. To provide yuu wilh hih-quatily service, shonecommunication with us fe mevitored andor record,SODITIONAL INFORMATION, Tha follwing designations, vhan ayHeaingte the fen of your steletnard, mean the Fllawige Vaan vine faleSiam aegh ON PY AG s WANE INTEREST SHYEQUURED, VIE PY esa WAWVE INTERES, EQUAL GAYMET WYIDET LOW PAI naan WAIVE ;NTEREST, LOW PAYMENT DF INT PY ROIngags DEFER INTFEST, PAYMENT REQUIRED) DEF INT EQ PY mcansDEFER INTEREST, EQUAL PAYMENT, OF INT LOW PMT swarms OLFERINTEREST, LOW PAYMENT and LOW API. EQ PAY mcarss LOW APR, EQUALPAYMENT. H yeu hive e vorabla rate sor, your pailodie rales sy Yat.‘You may pay all al your Account Balance af any Une wilt pana.Send all ingulties to; CUSTOMER SERVICE, PO Box 189004, Columbus,Oble 43214-3003.ceaaioatag mae nd phous binescout at or SeeNOTICE ABOUT ELECTRONIC CHECK CONVERSION, When you pride #Shook pmo ya slr ux ely une formation ihoch fo eau # aesthne ofecleane (unc transter fom your accoUrlo 1oprocoes he paymant a5 » chack (ensaelion. Whon wo ust information fromour cwck lo meke an claclonic fend trnsiar, lus may be withwem,fom your eceounl 3 scan as Uno saina day ve focoln your payment, cd{701 vl caked your heck back (om your Cant instittfon,banc. pa cr hp dey he a eb, na dud ea ne al ereUe payinant pet yor Solect. This card is isabud by Comnenkly Cxist Yeplsiored tralesiatk of Maslarcardinlerralionat incorporated,Comeet Formal, Correct formal lr slfarent payment enathods inchude,jaclod, Also, your payment mal reach us by the yayroent culo Vee Ire ioEe ee asieca ical epostlio Bree Son's erie arch poy od, nr heck ees hed een oS Se the ama bod aldose show oxths Sfacnent Inclip your payment tp the slub, include yourar eet gee cto yur balance endian pene revo Be ss Yo include Your poy) sib, ont 32pl¢ oFra Sr tae scr chest ag pe eoione provid your Saletan epee wi oneee Ea a not send any coreapanence with your ayivan You shauld overnight a pujnnent to.5580 Nor Loop 1604 East, Site 201, San.ono, 78247-8004 und Ibe edditionst feenatroqulamnonis ara theIie Paytvenls Marked “Pais jr Full voctlon auova. Du rol sand cash a pl xvlficaies, janes You can callus toll rea10 bther mafed payments unless there isa diate, in whieh cone yoo [oTowe"855-260-1623 (Myeae ster) oc 1 844-271-2595 (My Bi's aks World Hasioveasd) CFOD/T IY: -BG8-B19-1918) 0 make 2 papal by Uwbptvann, wit ayInckade 9 Tee, Onliner You can make a payment wnine al comenlty.nals.vetamesou nava ee wereErnalh AddressE:&How to avoid or minimize Interest charges: Be sure {0 pay any promotional plan balance in fu onor belore tha plan expiration date shown In the “Delaiis of your plans” section of your statement, Pleasealso koep an eye out for notilications of when your promotional plan{s} ara nearing thelr expiration:date-you'll 89 Inem in the red box on page 1 of your statement, If you have questions, pisase call ustolllrea al 1-844-271-2536 (TODYTTY:1-888-840-1918). To taarn more ghoul how promotional plans work,visit comenity,comfinanclal-sducatton. We're always Nappy to help.We would sincerely like fo help you resalve Ibis matter, Yat our praviaus afforts to work wih you havegone unanswered. This Is your {inal opporlunity, Unies we hear fram you soon, we will parmunentlyclose your account gnd WrRe it off as a bad debt, Your account will than be tured over te our Racovaryteam and raviowed by one of our Recovery Specialists. Visit our ontine Payment Hala Center today atcomenily.nevpaymenthelp to schedule yatir payment to bring your acosunt up-to-date oF call4-256-816-2423 (TOD/TTY 1-888-819-1818] to make a payment over the phone or discuss paymentoptions.Protect yoursall agalnal matt and phone consumer fraud.hifpv/ tons/pub2é twelcoma.htnysoaco, oonozsoy [RMPs22 9 ooc.essa0 onovedan?PAGE 40F4Visit our Payment Help Center schedule a payment for the minimum dueEeAgcount no. 68 812Peavious belancePayments‘Othar creditsPurchasesObher cobs‘Cngh advangeSalance transferFons chargodInterest chargedHisw balancePast duo amourCredit ieAvailable oreCast: creuil limitAvailabio gush‘Statement losing datoDays fn bileg oyelo$7,482,209,00754888.00$7,000.00$0.00$1,409.00$0.00sougr2019aiand bring your account current.Minimum paymont dusPayinent du uateLate payment werning:$7,598.64PAGE 1 OF &$4,082.00tyodian18ifwo do nat recoive your minim payment by 1444/2019 you mayMinkmum poyment warnings if you makepayment for each porlod, youhave to pay up (an $38.00 lato fa*g.ply tro minder,[pay marein Inesest and W wil take{you Fangat 'o pay off your balancos, Fer exemple:yeu make ho odditiona’ [Yeu will pay att | And you vatchatyes uaina ths card | the balance shown| end tp paying a‘and cach month you pay: | on tho atatement | esiimnted totalte st .Daly the aiinimum payteer! | 20 years O17R86For infomation rogarding credit eaunonling sorvieco,all 1-800-264-4708,yousem = LATE FEETotal fova charged for this perlod“interest chargedIntoreet charge on plirchasesIntorest charge on cash advancetntorost charge on balance transforTotal Interest for this perlod2018 fatale year to dato‘Total feus charyad Ir 2019Total Inlerosl charged in 2019‘Your Annual Patcaniage Pinte (AFA) Is tha annfn page 2 for atore dots. Minmum interest cargo maTYPE OFBALANOEPurchases‘Cash advances:ENT TTImportant Hominder:ee{you make 4 purchase with this eredit vard using a promotional plan, the$208.00$1,018.74fal interoat tela on your account, Sag BALANCE COMPUTATION METHODy axcood inlarast charge bekw, par your credit card agreement,@ALANCE sURUeCTAp TaINTERERT RATE18.9900% ‘> 7,814.03pa.9900% WW) 1.00DuTEREST‘CHARGE{08.980.00promotional plan expiration date and payment dus date may be diflerent, This means that'll you Nave anylange after the promotianel plan expiration date, the balonee and anyremalning promotional plan baccrued infezest (if applicabls), wit move to your reguintC} Yes, | have mover! or updated my.J peal address ~ see revorue,boast tDttptssiog f(t ee fgottl lyNICHOLE HAWKINSaS LOOMIS ST.HARTFORD CT 06120-2114108006 00018162HOTICE: Se tore ett:‘Pianee tae at priorsnian,reposAmount exeloved:$|__.Piease makecOM$7,508.64ravolving plan on the next billing statement,teosmnUcS)sreneecteotO2Minera BAYA$1,052.00a4PaymentWet yeah us bySpm ET on 1ORZOTe,— Ihack payable (0:= My Bi'e Parks MastercartPlaase refute Us postion along with your paymor’ fo:PO BOX 659834SAN ANTONIO TX 76265-9124oN eaten ARAB nga pte ttt}HE 22.2 vo0305200 coo7ssens‘anp this portion fr your exeords,What Yo Do 1 You Think You Find A Mistake On Your StatctontSi you hink thre ay ton osama lao at ComeriyExptl dr PO Box 188680, Coun, ho AS7I8 2626.Inyo, geo holon xaos5" fect tanto Yan nt ad acco ber.5 Deter aunt To del amour a he auspeled et+ Deseo of Rotem yin se fy raw You bil,deer hat you ale wan a Wy yu bel 2 itsYou est contact us tin GO days afte ey pened on yurExamenYat tts tay poli acs int You way al watYoud won fal venue ayes Sy patel rt yoyTevet poy ne anon questi.hl woes tea ar as bow ane, lingme euerceaet calle acu quot, en yu sttng oo a au+ Three inquestion my rnin on your salen nd ayConte chp yo lr an et ts, B sede atSeem wre yu lf Lo py eam enonsy omelets ltd otha ae+ legs dol hae fap Io nn aso, yu re coparibia{or rerio of yor lero,+ eam apy i nek amu sain your te.Your Agi You Ae Dict th Your ad Card Pucbsas1 youre cen is the gry reves tol a hor purchsad‘tn your ere ear and you tw le wood aio caecmth Ute rho ih lope ema‘Set aon fs phaseTe uc Is igh af fh ong be es1 Te acse neh bag mls por hong win 100lx f your cont ing cdo, an ave pew must hvebean mate than $60, (MolotNallher ofthese fe eeeszay your gurchave‘as based ort an adresse aa we alte o you, orf we om ihe eoepanyThal sot you the goods of serves)2,You must havn used your tre cand for Ihe purchase, Purehasas ade‘vith cat sdvencas [rt an AIBA or vllh check ial accans yer erodibard account de ool quality.3, You sul et yol have fally pals For the peuchase,Wall of tho exteia aise ave a an you ace tH desalted with thepurchase, contac] us fa waiting al: Covnunity Capita} Bank PO fox 162620,Gotu, Ohio 43918.2620,‘nia we iovosigat, the sane rules aapy to the disputed atmo oslscusged above, All flash obr investigation, esl ll you ourtdecieln, Alfa! pol, i we Ihink you owe wn ainount and you do nol pay‘we ey report you as dalinquen,PAYING INTEREST, Your doe datsloast 23 days after the close of wach,“ al char yu eeu porches youilie oftance ty ie he tae each month We ul boin chang eesfn bslance trance ard cath aaneos a te fansstion dae, We i‘begin Io charge irlvest on naw purchasos nado urer a Low APR, EqualPayinend or Budge} Payawaat Cel Plan Kem the date of parchase,BALANCE COMPUTATION WETVIO0, Ye eslclete interes separatoly for‘Sch Up of tafanes ona aecounl using Day Bala to deorinalt hres rch ing perl le eile chaSeeount Uy apolying bw pati ale To Iho tly balanca al you‘evvant foreach day in ili ey, Toga he cil alone a akoThe bugis tenes ol yor acu each day, ak yee putas,‘santas, oes and bene male sd stacy Dayan oeing any tered baie a 4 tary balance), Ps ves ute dyones:PAYMENTS, Pay your Account the pay! Zus dat{oy pol ee cried yor ecoun orpea apiseted tadeptack of Hastorewed international Inexeparalad,Covet Format, Correct fama for ultere payment matheds includesclip aur payin ty the stub, inet yur accorBatons, 1 26247-B004 and tho adie ouat vegathe Payivants Mackad ‘Pald ia Full seconore, Dy nol ean cash lit eat‘nel » Toa. Online: You ean make a paysenl walneal eumcollyavelOls,cnet egal id ca chchPeart eae eee ten ccarman le ee eu eis a pe ee YS ae aeapn eh Yo at ga gon ih ene eee ess mace oe el, aah hy‘en sie ay tee iyi en esa a ah sie rm a eee STA CT‘CREDIT REPORTING. We may topo Infenpallon chou! your aecuunt fo‘credit burnaus. Lae payewents, missed payments, or oltarealalls un your‘eeu aay ba fllected in your evel repul,NOHICE OF CREDIT REPORT DISPUTES if you believe the accountination vm repaid consume: eng ase EE yo‘np sul a direct disputo lo Comenily Captol Bank PO Box 182120,‘Golunbas, Only 43215-2120. Your seitten dispute most provie sullcfent{rforatlon to Hoorlly she wedi and speelly why the information tsTsceurater* Reeount Information: Yeur name and account numberCntaet Information: Your adders and elephora numba:Tormatlon: Identity the account Inlornsion dhspuied andexplain hy you bellova Is Inaceurate*+ Supporting Documeatailen tf ayaiable, provid 2 copy ofthe section af‘he ered report showing tha account information you are dispullngWe wl iva the ped normation ane ope the rests awithig 30 days of receipt ofthe Information needed for out frvestigalion, f‘we ed ysat the necount information we tasepromplly provide Iha mcossaryvotiection lo wach eonmunerreporiingSuangy fo which we eaperied He Information.PAYMENTS MARKED "PAID IN FULL’, All wzilten communicationsyegerding disputed smesats that Inkid any cheek ot athar paynant{osiruraned marked “paymeet in Tul? ot sila lsrguane, ant be sent lox{6550 Narth Loop L604 East, Sulla LOL, San Anloo, 1K 70247-5004,100 NOT USE THE ENCLOSED REMITTANCE ENVELOPE,= We may aceapl paynont sont fo any other adress without losing any ofceucriehts."ha payniont stall eparate as an accard nd salstactionvalli appisrat.CUSTOMER SERVICE, Viel cemenily.neUb}s or call 1-855-260-1622 (hy{u's Paths Bastareard) of 1044-27-25 (My O's Pars Ward‘Mastercard (TOD/THY 1-888-819-1916).TELEPHONE MONITORWG, Yo prc you with Ne analy senza, esaERASE el woubred ar coen, meeADDITIONAL INFORMATIGN. Te fllovng dosent, hon spenuing‘on Wi rot af your stale, roan te foloegy Year varie ale{is rate ey var WW INT ORY RQ neon WAVE INTEREST, PAYNENT,fequeeD: WV INT a eY means WAVE INTEREST. EQUAL PAYMENT WYINTLOW PAT moans WATVEINTERESL, LOW PAYMENT Dr In PYRGnouns DEFER INTEREST, PAYMENT REQUIRED; OEF INT €Q FY meansSeren INTEREST, EQUAL PAYIAENT OF INT LOW PHT moans DEFERINTEREST, LOW PAYMENT and LOW APR EQ PAY wears LOW APR, EQUALPAYMENT, U you hava ayrlblo ale wccount, yor period res mayenYow tay vay all your Aecopal hafsnee al ary tine wllhoa perl.Senet all ules to: CUSTOMER SERVICE, PO Bor 183603, Columbus,Ghio 432183008,Send alt bankruptcy notlees and related correspondence to Camenltyapie Bank, Bereupoy Department BO Box 180043, Columb, OleNOTICE AROUT ELECTRONIC CHECK CONVERSION, Whan you provide nches 23 payment, you authorize us eee to usa inferatien fom your‘cheek fo make @ ant Unw alacant: [und rapster kom your acca orto‘roouss the payitent 95 8 check Iranssclien, When we use Infotmalian fromoor ck trae lect ind yas, ies may be wav,rom your weecion! es econ as [bo same tsy wo rece} your payrsen, aadyou wt rot erceve youn check back for your finanetat institution,yu ofanne listed bole. if wa. do no rece your payee! ina coer focal foutoed bale) iiva days, of may by teed. Adve, you payivenl ysl reach us by Use paymen| cut tire tal applies. keths pammon alo you ee. Ts card iu by Corl Gaptl Bork ps were om Hasire tema lnconener Mesterearéal0, dls a awd aes aytn face Sour pment sy do nol pla orlh gor Sltemanl ser ona pape ih neld payrants Unies there [sa dispute, in witch cosa yeu follow356.269" 1622 (hy19-7918) to make a payment by telophns, nich mayrm etal Tes, Pane ol eos uo eae parts ny he ean hs Ste na ays 2a heTotton, Hans Mablng and Overnight 8y 6-00 pm Easter Tie (ET) Pay By Phones8:00 am (ET) Online: By 8:00 pin CER).‘ew information.Title (eationsl) First Name MtLast Nano _ Soe, See, No.Slreet Address.Apt No. RR PO Boxony ., Stote 2ip Code Foreign Map CodeHome Phone, Work Phone weenie ceEmall AddressatePAGER OFor SERREHow to avold or minimize interest charges: Be sure to pay any promotional plan balance in full onof bafare the pian expiration date shown in the “Details of your plans" section of your statement, Pleasealso keep an eye aut for notificalians of when your promoltonal plan{s) are nearing thelr expiration‘date—you'l see them fn the red box on page 1 of your statement. Hf you have questions, please call usyoll{ree at 1-B4d-271-2638 (TOD/TTY:1-B48-819-1918), To [eam more about how promofional plans work,vist comeniiy.convfinancial-education, We're always hanpy to halp.‘We have made many altempts to resolve this Issue with you, Before Inatters gat worss, we need lorecelve your payment of come to agreement on payment arrangements. Our Payment GotutlonsSpoolatsts can discuss allamatlve paymant arrangements that can help you gel back on traok. To makeyour minimum due payment, simply visit our online Payment Help Center today atcomenity.netipaymenthelp to schedule 8 payment to bring your account up-to-date, or call4-855-815-2429 (TOD/TTY 1-888-819-1948} fo make a payment over the phone of fo discuss paymont‘options.Protect yourself against mail and phone consumer trad.tipy/ welcome hinyguosoos ang01a39 a. nunups2au 0907544864oliVisit our Payment Help Center atcomenily.nevpaymenthelpto schedule a payment for the minimum dusand bring your account current.PAGE (OF 4Account 10. °New belance $7,462.26‘Mininom paymont due $088.00Previous balance 97,300.88 Payment dua dale soroaeaiePeyments: 0,00Othar credis 2.00 Lote payment warning:Purchases 2.00 ta dora eacetva your mira pevrant by 0104/2018 you mayCher dabits 2.00 ‘have to pay up te 6 $38.00 fale fae. ene‘Canh advance 2.00 Minimum payment warding: Ifyou miske only the mistawmBalance transfor S00 paymen for eucle period, you w#t poy tmero ih iovoet nd Kv akeraae ahead ed ee you tanger io pay olf yaur balances, Far exaraples“Yaw balance BY a you make ne additional ‘And you vilcharges using thia card the balance shown) ond up paying a0}Post duo amount 220.00 ‘and each month yeu any: | an the statement | estimated tetalCrom tir $7,090.00 inabout pot |Avedable cradit $0.00 [lOaty tho miniewin payment | 20 yours [eireszGash cred thet 31,400.00 - —Swsaabe gucts 90.08 Fo fnlemattonregardig aod counsaing servt8s,Statement closing dete ogmanais ell FBO. HH-1708,‘Days tn Diling cycle. 30onyowo1s = LATE FEE 28,00Tolal fees charged for this period 826,00Interost charge on purchases. S104,08Interest charge on cash advance g000Injersat charge on balance transfer $0.00Total Interest for this period $104.302019 totals year to datFolal feen chargod in 2018 §228,00Total iniorast charged In 2019 49tt.30WEY i ies‘Your Annual Percentage Rate (APA) is the sneval interat rale on your account, Bea BALANCE COMPUTATION METHODon page # tor morg catia, Minin interest charge may exceed fnterost chargo bolow, por your credit gerd agreement.TYPE OE BALANER SUBJECT wrenestBALANCE ADR TOWNTEREST RATE CHARGEPurchases ¥7.2400% tv 7,390.50 104.98‘Cush advances 29.2400% (0 0.00 0.00nee RsvImportant Reminder: | you maka a purchuse wilh this credit card using a promotional plan, (hepromotional plan expiration date and payment due date may be diferent, This means that If yau have anyremélning promotional plan balance alter the promatichal plan expiration dats, the balance anc anyaccriied interes! (if applicable), wil move to your regular revolving plan on the next bling statement.(eonrtueD‘war at peiloration above1 W Payment must reach va by[1 fem have. moved or urmates my = eretoned: pM ET en OURO,$$.Planen ake check payable to:Hyde ayy st th tiny COMEDY By Bs Pate Msslenetones retwen this purtlon along with your paymers to:eoemiesy PO BOX 859634HARTFORD CT 05120-2112 SAN ANTONIO TX 78265-9134footed olan do lbte dors thet peed g Elgonusiosook cogoes3s = Pee coooeeso0 oporaseensw tis pion on yor ead,‘Wha Bot You This You Fd & Mistake On Your StaterentHiya thes fan eo on ar lalet ie t- CaHOSA saeco eobecnc tans Soph kea0.Inzor ali, iv uo sowing atoms{Few reas Yor ae et oso+ Dot amcon the dae nur ole sinpted eta,» Bosna of tient ya tk sn ln rangeesr el you Utes wing a by gu blow tsa sak,‘Yuu ims gontael us within 69 days afer the esrb appeared on yourYou aunt coly us of ony ponte sure Ze wting, You way cot us bu itJeane hanes loess ay pti waryFrove to bay the acelin aston,la vena wot a tere es eon an or te noreFie comes ry to cotact the eran n ution, spur you asSalsqus oh tal ato+ Ths etarge i question nay seenin on your sotemsel, ad we maycontinue t charg you inlorest on tha icant Su re detoesin haSia mnie a tiabke, you vl nl have lo pay he anu in question cr‘ey fnlros ue olht Toe rata (ofa amma.+ Gaile you donot hve to py Hu aaa in question, you ae responsible{oy the rina ol your bata.+ We cue apply any unpvid mint ngs your exe fiYour Mehte IT You re Dissalsfod With Your Credit Card Purchases1H you are essai wilh the pods ot services thal you hive purchased‘wil voor erac card, aed you have tla yuod lath lo corral theproblannwth Gie merckal, you may have ta right not Io pay the const,[aujounl das on the purchao.Tosa Insel, all uf tho following amas be troos1. The poestesn must ave baer prada in your howe stale oF within 100,snes of your curently auresy, and tha purciase pice mas] haveboon more than $50. (Nef: felther of theso Is neccesary Hl your purchase‘as based rn ar dverlseniont wo walla fo yout, or i wo wi Ie companyThat sold you tho yoous us serves.)2,You inst have us your ered card forthe punches, Purchases etswill gash advances Nome an ATM or with 2 check Uhal accessus your erectcard Bocount do rok quell.3, Yani ul yo baw fully patd fy the purchase,Uf aft of th erileria ove ae acl and you ate stil dissaistied th Ie.purciz, cnc will Coney Capa nk PO Box 182620,tau, Ohio 43218-2620.Wil we Ives, the sume cues wpply (0 tbo disputed amounl aseae Arye fetgh at tnectgllon, we wl you ar{Essel A al poin, fe tink youve an inom ne yu do pl paymag repor gous dingo.PAYING INTEREST, Your due date iy af Jers 23 clays aflor the eloua of each[Gblngegela, Wo Wil nol change yeu frlares| op purchases if yoo vey yourcrite balance by tba due daje wach suunlh. We will begin charging interes‘on balanco Wransfors and cash mianees co the Irensiction dat, We wil‘begin 9 charge foleree on nese purchases mace undar a Low APR, EquaPaytuent or Bodgal Payint Cradit Pan fom the Gata of purchise,BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD. We csieulae inlaros! separately 1cctitiga of batanoe on your accuurl wait a “Daly Balance’ fo éstennina{nterest argu for uch bling gariad. We figura tha interes enaige onyar aoa png Ie slit na ely lens’ ol yuecuur lar each day ie bling oyela. To gel te ‘del balance we lakeihe begtaning balance o! your account each day, add any new purchases,‘uence, feps and balanea anal, snc sobbractaoy payments o eresfoggy el et Elect ett bane. Pies sh eyCREDIT REFORTING. We moy repo inloriation abut your accoont toros bares. 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Aug 07, 2024 |19STCV45806

Case Number: 19STCV45806 Hearing Date: August 7, 2024 Dept: 56 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - CENTRAL DISTRICT MAL BIEN BAR LLC, Plaintiff, vs. RVCC INTERSECT, LLC, et al., Defendants. CASE NO.: 19STCV45806 [TENTATIVE] ORDER RE: MOTIONS TO BE RELIEVED AS COUNSEL Date: August 7, 2024 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept. 56 BACKGROUND This action arises out of a dispute over money that Defendants RVCC Intersect, LLC (RVCC), Reserve Vault, LLC (Reserve), Christopher L. Adams (Adams) and Nicolo James Rusconi (Rusconi) (collectively, Defendants) allegedly owed to Plaintiff Mal Bien Bar, LLC under a promissory note. The currently operative first amended complaint alleges: (1) breach of promissory note; (2) breach of oral contract; and (3) conversion. Counsel for Defendants, Steffanie Stelnick (Stelnick), is seeking to withdraw as counsel for all four Defendants, namely Rusconi, Adams, RVCC and Reserve, .and has filed four motions to be relieved as counsel (collectively, the Motions) on July 10, 2024. The Motions are compliant with California Rules of Court, rule 3.1362. The Motions are unopposed. Trial is currently set for August 26, 2024 DISCUSSION The court has discretion on whether to allow an attorney to withdraw, and a motion to withdraw will not be granted where withdrawal would prejudice the client. (Ramirez v. Sturdevant (1994) 21 Cal.App.4th 904, 915.) Withdrawal is generally permitted unless there is a compelling reason to continue the representation. (Heple v. Kluge (1951) 104 Cal.App.2d 461, 462.) In connection with the Motions, Stelnick cites irreconcilable differences as ground for the Motions and declares that the attorney-client relationship is broken and counsel is unable to make any settlement offers, accept any settlements, or adequately prepare for trial. The Court finds that the Motions set forth an adequate basis for withdrawal. The Court, therefore, GRANTS the Motions. The Court notes that while Adams and Rusconi can appear in propria persona, Reserve and RVCC must appear by counsel and cannot defend themselves at trial without being represented by counsel. The Court will therefore hold an OSC regarding Defendants Reserves and RVCCs representation by counsel on August 28, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. in this Department. In order for the individual Defendants either to prepare for trial or hire new counsel, and for Reserve and RVCC to retain new counsel and for all Defendants and counsel to prepare for trial, the Court, on its own motion, advances to this date and CONTINUES the trial to November 5, 2024, at 9:30 a.m The Final Status Conference is advanced to this date and CONTINUED to October 21, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. All Pretrial dates remain as set under the August 26, 2024 trial date. Moving Party is ordered to give notice of this ruling. Parties who intend to submit on this tentative must send an email to the Court at as directed by the instructions provided on the court website at If the department does not receive an email and there are no appearances at the hearing, the motion will be placed off calendar. Dated this 7th day of August, 2024 Hon. Holly J. Fujie Judge of the Superior Court



Aug 13, 2024 |19LBCV00725

Case Number: 19LBCV00725 Hearing Date: August 13, 2024 Dept: S27 1. Relevant Procedural History Plaintiff, ACMC Finance and Trade, LLC filed this action against Defendants, Energy Trading Company, LLC, Petro Diamond, Inc., Jack Khachatryan, Sona Apikian, Sargis Khachatryan, Gianni Saryan, John Davids, and Dennis Rogers, Jr. on 12/20/19. On 10/01/21, the Court held a default judgment prove-up hearing. At the conclusion of the hearing, it entered judgment against Defendant, John Gessin aka John Davis in the amount of $2,450,000 plus costs and interest. It ordered Plaintiff to file a default judgment prove-up packet in order to obtain judgment against the remaining defaulted defendants. On 10/20/21, the Court entered default judgment against the remaining defendants, all of whom had been served by publication, in the amount of $2,450,000 plus costs and interest. On 10/21/21, Plaintiff gave notice to the above-named defendants, by mail at their last-known addresses, of the judgment entered against them. On 3/24/22, the Court heard and denied the remaining defendants motions to vacate default and default judgment. On 6/21/22, the Court heard and denied their motion for reconsideration. They appalled the judgment against them, and on 3/15/24, the Court of Appeals denied their appeal and affirmed the judgment. 2. Motion for Sanctions Plaintiff provides evidence that Defense Counsel, subsequent to the 3/15/24 COA decision, has sent numerous emails to Plaintiffs attorney threatening litigation against Plaintiff and its attorney; specifically, Defense Counsel has threatened to sue for violation of the FDCPA. Plaintiff seeks a sanctions order against Defense Counsel; specifically, Plaintiff seeks an order admonishing Defense Counsel to cease making these threats. Despite the lack of opposition, the Court is not inclined to issue the order sought. As a matter of basic Constitutional law, the Court notes that prior restraints on speech are reserved for the most serious of situations. Plaintiff and Plaintiffs attorney have sufficient recourse if Defendants continue to act inappropriately. If Defendants actually file a lawsuit for violation of the FDCPA, Plaintiff can fight the lawsuit, can file an anti-SLAPP motion, can demur to the lawsuit, and can sue for abuse of process and/or malicious prosecution. To be clear, the Court is not holding that Defense Counsels communications are appropriate; the Court is holding only that creating a sanctions order that gags Defense Counsels ability to speak is not a remedy it is willing to impose. The motion is denied. Plaintiff is ordered to give notice. Parties who intend to submit on this tentative must send an email to the court at indicating intention to submit on the tentative as directed by the instructions provided on the court website at If the department does not receive an email indicating the parties are submitting on the tentative and there are no appearances at the hearing, the motion may be placed off calendar. If a party submits on the tentative, the partys email must include the case number and must identify the party submitting on the tentative. If the parties do not submit on the tentative, they should arrange to appear remotely.


Rocky Top Rentals LLC vs. Vannormanerickson, et al.

Aug 10, 2024 |23CVG-00452

AL.Case Number: 23CVG-00452This matter is on calendar for review regarding status of the case. Proof of service of the summonsand complaint is on file for Defendant Ely Vannormanerickson. Defendant Arnold Erickson hasfiled an Answer, however, the proof of service filed along with Defendant Erickson’s Answer isincomplete. It does not name an individual served at Item 5. The parties are ordered to appeartoday to discuss service of Mr. Erickson’s Answer and trial setting if appropriate.


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LVNV Funding Llc vs Crystal Neal

Aug 07, 2024 |22CV-03848

22CV-03848 LVNV Funding LLC v. Crystal NealOrder to Show Cause re Dismissal-Notice of SettlementAppearance required. Parties who wish to appear remotely must contact the clerk of thecourt at (209) 725-4111 to seek permission and arrange for a remote appearance. Appearto address the status of the settlement.



Aug 07, 2024 |Frank Anthony Moschetti |CVCO2305475




Aug 07, 2024 |24CV13552

No appearances necessary. This is a collections case, as defined in Rule 3.740 of the California Rules of Court, filed on February 1, 2024. A proof of service is filed. Plaintiff must obtain default judgment within 360 days of filing the complaint. (Cal. Rules of Court, Rule 3.740(f).) This matter is continued for further CMC to December 11, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. in Dept 3.



Aug 05, 2024 |Frank Anthony Moschetti |CVCO2400924

MOTION FOR ORDER TO DEEMCVCO2400924 BANK OF AMERICA VS ALVAREZ MATTERS ADMITTED BY BANK OFAMERICATentative Ruling: The Court has reviewed Plaintiff’s moving papers, declaration andexhibits. No opposition was filed by Defendant. The Court finds in favor of Plaintiff.Plaintiff’s motion is GRANTED. Plaintiff’s requests for admissions will be admittedunless responses in substantial compliance are served prior to the hearing [CCP2033.280(c)]



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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.