COMPLAINT February 16, 2021 (2024)

COMPLAINT February 16, 2021 (1)

COMPLAINT February 16, 2021 (2)

  • COMPLAINT February 16, 2021 (3)
  • COMPLAINT February 16, 2021 (4)
  • COMPLAINT February 16, 2021 (5)
  • COMPLAINT February 16, 2021 (6)
  • COMPLAINT February 16, 2021 (7)
  • COMPLAINT February 16, 2021 (8)
  • COMPLAINT February 16, 2021 (9)
  • COMPLAINT February 16, 2021 (10)


RETURN DA TE: SUPERIOR COURT SECOND ROUND SUB, LLC, ASSIGNEE OF JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF COMENITY CAPITAL BANK ANSONIA V. AT MILFORD MYKULYAK, MYKHAYLO December 31, 2020 COMPLAINT COUNT 1: 1. At all times relevant hereto, Plaintiff, SECOND ROUND SUB, LLC, ASSIGNEE OF COMENITY CAPITAL BANK, is a business located at 3100 Breckinridge Blvd DULUTH,GA 30096. A copy of an affidavit from an employee of plaintiff is attached hereto and the most recent statement is attached to the affidavit. 2. Aall times relevant hereto, Defendant, MYKHA YLO MYKULYAK, is an individual currently residing at l 53 HULL ST ANSONIA, CT 06401. 3. Atall times relevant hereto, Plaintiff has been licensed to do business in the State of Connecticut. 4. Pursuant to the Defendant's request, Plaintiff's assignor, Comenity Capital Bank, issued to the defendant a credit account XXXXXXXXXX-XX-0044 in the Defendant's name. Plaintiff's assignor, Comenity Capital Bank, the original creditor, assigned its This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This communication is from a debt colloctor. CT_O103 Fite No 20-31387 rights, title, interest, and ownership of Defendant's debt to Plaintiff. 5. As attested to by the Plaintiff in the annexed affidavit, Defendant has defaulted on this debt, and the last payment was made within the last six years. 6. Upon use of the credit account, defendant became obligated to abide by all the terms and conditions of the Agreement, including) but not limited to the term in which Defendant promises to pay the Plaintiffs assignor. 7. Despite demands to pay, Defendant has failed and/or neglected to pay the sum due according to the Agreement. 8. At present, Defendant owes Plaintiff a balance of Ten Thousand Two Hundred Twenty One dollars and 20 cents ($10,221.20), as set forth in the affidavit. In addition, Defendant owes the full amount of debt, costs and fees as authorized pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This communication is from a debt collector. CT_0103 File No 20-313897 COUNT 2: 9. Plaintiff hereby repeats, re-alleges, and restates the allegations contained in paragraphs I-4 of Count l as if more fully set forth below. 10. Plaintiffs assignor, Comenity Capital Bank, sent accurate monthly statements to the defendants regarding the revolving line of credit and/or credit card account. 11. The monthly statements indicate Defendant's use of the revolving line of credit and/or credit card, payments made on thc account from the Defendant, and that Defendant ceased making payments on the account. 12. The monthly statements also verify that Plaintiffs assignor, Comenity Capital Bank, continued to send updated monthly statements to Defendant, which included an explanation of finance charges and late fees on the account due to account delinquency. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This communication is from a debt collector. CT_0103 File No 20-31387 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendant for: l. The principal sum of $10,221.20; 2. Reasonable costs and court fees; and 3. Such further relief as the Court deems just and proper. For Plaintiff: Second Round Sub, LLC, assignee of Com · Capital Bank By Its Attorneys isioir T. Mo»an». Matthew R. Esa.- Bardos, Esq. Firm Juris #438732 Stillman Law Office, LLC 30057 Orchard Lake Rd. Suite 200 Dept 100 Farmington Hills, Ml 48334 (888) 286-500 I (203) 942~2301 (fox) This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This communication is from a debt collector. CT_0I03 File No 20-31387 RETURN DA TE: SUPERIOR COURT SECOND ROUND SUB, LLC, ASSIGNEE OF JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF COMENITY CAPITAL BANK ANSONIA V. AT MILFORD MYKULYAK, MYKHAYLO December 31, 2020 NOTICE REGARDING FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT SUBSEQUENT COMMUNICATIONS Pursuant to the United States Code, Title 15, Section 1692, et seq., you are hereby notified that Counsel for the Plaintiff is attempting to collect the debt which is the subject of the within action and any information obtained will be used solely for that purpose. For Plaintiff,Second Round Sub, LLC, assignee of Comenit apital Bank y lts Attorneys -IStopher T, ~oylan, Matthew R. Bardos, Esq. E,q/ Firm Juris #438732 Stillman Law Office, LLC 30057 Orchard Lake Rd. Suite 200 Dept 100 Farmington Mills, MI 48334 (888) 286-500 I (203) 942-2301 (fox) This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose, This communication is from a debt collector. CT_o104 Fie No 20-31387 I IUIII 11111111111111111111111111111111111 IIII 1111 RETURN DATE: SUPERIOR COURT SECOND ROUND SUB, LLC, ASSIGNEE OF JUDICIAL DISTRICT OP COMENITY CAPITAL BANK ANSONIA V. AT MILFORD MYKUL YAK, MYKHAYLO December 31, 2020 STATEMENT OF AMOUNT IN DEMAND The amount in demand is not greater than $15,000.00, exclusive of costs and interest. For Plaintiff,Second Round Sub, LLC, assignee of Comenity Capital Bank ,,"moss Chri )hcrT. Moylan, Esq.'-~ atthew R. Bardos, Esq. Firm Juris #438732 Stillman Law Office, LLC 30057 Orchard Lake Rd. Suite 200 Dept 100 Farmington Hills, Ml 48334 (888) 286-5001 (203) 942,230 I (fox) This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This communication is from a debt collector. CT_0105 File No 20-31387 NO: SUPERIOR COURT Second Round Sub, LLC, assignee of Comenity Capital Judicial District of Ansonia Bank AT Milford VS. January 19, 2021 MYKHA YLO MYKUL YAK MILITARY SERVICE AFFIDAVIT Defendant(s), MYKHAYLO MYKULYAK are not known to be in active military duty. The facts supporting this statement are evidenced in the appended Certificate verifying Active Duty Status obtained from Department of Defense Manpower Data Center. Plaintiff used the De fondant's Social Security Number in accessing and obtaining this report. I recognize the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) as an organization of the Department of Defense (DoD) that maintains the Defense Enrollment and Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) database which is the official source of data on eligibility for military medical care and other eligibility systems. I hereby declare or affirm under the penalties of perjury th·· the facts and matters set forth in the aforegoing Affidavit are true and correct to the best of my know e re,information, and belief. Date: 01/19/2021 Subscribed to and sworn before me this 19th day of January, 2021, in the County o Michigan Jennifer (y Notary Pt c, State of Michigan County of Oakland My Commision Expires: 04-06-2026 Acting in the county of Oakland CT_0H9 MILITARY AFFIDAVIT File Nu. 20-31387 1111111 lllll 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 Department of Defense Manpower Data Center Status Report Punuanl to Civil Relief Act • SSN: XXX- Birth Dale: Jun-XX Last Name: MYKULYAK First Name: MYKHAYLO Middle Name: Status ~ Of: Jan-11·2021 Certificate ID: XVQTWLBC39P3PDY OIIAIIM,Dul)'flllNIMIUj'lhliJ11lN ewe Duy antData I Mcatee Luy End Denae I eua I tcvs Component HA I HA I ,., I NA Ta nepne ttet the dtttus' the duty attua bed en the thwe Outhy beta et Lal ctrvo Dutywhi 37 0yo ot two Duty tats Dot -llvlrilll!illoli I two Outy fnd 0et» I 9ta I -Cll_...t HJ\ I NII I No I NA Thi p*rno roctwoo the ndualecho duty tun wthin Md7 day» prwoodingth thwe Duy atu Date - . er Th Memberor Hit Unit aw Moltedot a Future Cal Up to Mite Oty on Mire Duty 9tea DOate I Or/w Mottoaion 6tart Deto I Order Mottoeton End DOwlo r rve Camnpent NI\ I HA I "' I NA /oblation bes report or etrv ..., vet ____the irtwdual or hehher unut he tee tatty Upon a...rcNna Uie dalli banka of tllil Dep,11rlmiint of DM111n~ ManPQWer Dalli C111nllir, bailed on the Information that you provided, the above ls the status o tile lndMdU8l on the act!Ve dlJ!I' 11.111118 dale 08 !Dall bran cnee oftne Unformed Servces (ry, Navy, Marino Corps, Air Ftll'Cl!l, NOAA, Publlc Health, and Coot Guard). Thies status includes information on ii SM'iledl or 'd<)f4 ngl ~ any ll'lorrnaUOfl lndlcaUng l/181 the lfldlVklUill 11 ctJll'linUy on lcllri duty" l'illlrpon ..... and has experien ced only a sma ll error rate. In the ovent the individual roforonod allow, or any tamily member, trend, or represe ntative assert ln any man ner that the individu al was on active duty for the active duty status date, or ls otherwise onttiod to the prolllC!la llll or lhil SCRA. yotJ iii'ii 1troogly tiliOOLli'ilgfld to liblul'l rulthoi' liDifflCilllon of Iha pa-'-. lild(u, by r;ign!Dd! ng lh!!L PQIJIO"'I &rvk:o9. Servioe oon1acl lnrormauon llal\ bi1 round an U\a SCRA w,;t;;,n,,•, FAQ pPQ(I (Q:13) v1g lhl!! URL: hli11t:l/11Q11.Qm,JQ.Q\ld,mll/luq.•hlTnl/lQ 33. If you hove evkience 1h41 PIIIIIO n WH on ftcl!Vli dufy ror the active duty status date and yg,, foll lo obtain this additiona l Service verifi cation, punutNvo provolons of the SCRA may Ile Invoked agalM! YotJ. S.. 60 USC App, ? 021 (C), Thi, 'IMPQRDQ rolklciw the l'ottOll/lng lnl'orrna1ltrf1; (1) The lndlvlduar. All!lve Duty IIBlua oo !he Actlw Duty Ststue Dale (2) Wlletl!er lll& lfldMduill liin Al:llvn precoding !he Active Duty Slllw. Date (3"1 'Mlelher the lndlvldual or hlllil!ef unit rec.MM! flllfly oollrlcallcJn lil r,;port rQr •ell~ Duty status within 367 days dlify on tho Act .. Duty Stalu• Date, More information on "Active Duty Status" Active duty status as reported In 11111 Olftlllcale la denned In aoooru anoa With 10 USC 7 101(d) (1). Prior lo 2010 trnly iOnlt ol the otivo duly porio,;1 1 ioa• In Ina eoe of a member or ti'Mi NatlaNI I Quafd, 11\la 111(;(\ldilt MMOrl undo,• !;II• IQ~ HfV1c. than 30 0011U0U ll\l6 dayt In lengtll Wlll'8 evalllllil;I, alllholttad by the PrHldl!nl Of IM Si!laNltlll)' Of Otl!r!lil&t!i Ui'ldN 32 USC 7 l502(!) IOI pi,J rpMM or rld{)(lildlng IQ national omorgony d!!Ci.orud by !NI Preeldent and supported by Federal fund. Al Active Guard Raorv (AGR) membe rs must bo skg nod against an authortrod mobllzation position in the unit they support. Thia includes Navy Training and Administration ot the Reserve (TARa), Marino Corps Active Roorvo (ARs) and Coast Guard Feserve Pmgfllm Admlnlitralor (RPAus). Active Duty status also apploe to Uniform ed Service member who It 1111 ...tive duly 001T1 mlnlo.o20 Notar~ My Commission Expires: 9/o9020 qt, s%jf$, ELIA8ET sMir sj?vow Poe, sat» ot 1e4 s:ijiis os %3. on .:{8 ts Comm. Exolro+ 09 20-2020 i, as°' Noter 1D 12913318/ 1326M00027258S [20-31387) File No. 20-31 387 CT - - -- - - ---~- PAG E 1or 11 Summa of ,u;count acllvl PA ment lnfom111llon Account no. .. .. _ .... _ .... _0044 Now l)alnrn:u $10,22120 Mlnimt1m pnyrn(nil c.h,Ju $2.41S 00 frevlous balance $9,961.38 Payment tuo date 11/1012019 Payments 0.00 Other credits 0.00 Late payment wamtng: P1,m;l11):;u::; 000 If we do not receive your minimum payment by 11110/2019 you my hove to pay up lo a $30.00 late lee. Other dobits 0.00 Cosh udvonce 0,00 Minimum payment warning. II you make only the minimum Oolonco tronslor 0,00 paym011t Im 011~1\ l)uriod, ynv will p11y rnnro In lnlorost and It will lake Foos chnrgod 39.00 Y"'' longur 10 pay oll your buluncos For example· lntoresl choraod 230.62 ------~ Now bnlanco $10,221,20 II you mnko no atJdltiOMI Ycu Will PIW aat due amount 2,084.00 nM uch lncnth you pay: on lho otnlomonl ootlmotod total Cr1JdiI lirnil $9,390.00 In about: of: A•ullt1ble credit $0,00 Only Illa minimum payment 23 yearn ;31866 Ct•sh crmlit limit $1,880 00 For l11forr1111!1011 regordlng credll counseling aeivlcea, vallable cash $0.00 1011512019 Statement closing elate c,111 HI00•2M• 170G Daya In billing cycle 31 Details of our transnctions TRANS OAT~ TRANSACTION OECRIPTIONIL. OCNT ION AMOUNT Fees 10/10/2019 LATE FEE 39.00 Tolol 1000 cha,god tor 111!0 period $M,OO lnterect cha,ged Interest charge on purchases $230.02 Interest charge on cash advance $0.00 lntoreol charge on bolonce trnncler $0.00 Totot lhtere~I for 1hl!i pariod $230.02 2019 totals year lo dolo Total lee! cI1arged In 2019 $344.00 in 2019 $2,007 64 Totol ifllf,.lrlJ.GI c;;IK1rgud -- - - ---~-- lnlareat chor a calculation Your A"nugl Porcontane Role (APR) Is the annual Interest rate on your account. See BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD "'' p,igo 2 Im more dotnils. Minimum interest charge may exceed Interest charge below, per your creIH l~[llld~ K e e ,, 11 11 !1 w11.,I 1297%, 131"#51255. ro Uo ,, You Tlllnli You Flnfl A Mistake hn YDiil .'ilMri1ir-11/ rnllcc\c{I 111 you, r.rrd1t (CIJ!ill ,ICCl•unt rm1y 1.,/) II ,HI 1'11{\I llll ':tlltl1•1111•11I. Y,tl\l! ht IJ:. lil: t:Lillll'Hlt'r V1Nj i/111\~ !11!'111 I', ~!W.11 a~tat Bank P' Box I?Z), Cululu111,,., Olm, 4'i:.iJH ,!fi:,!i) NOTICE OF CREOIT REPOliT DISPUTES II y11u L.:lu;vu 1hr III i lHnii ,r1h}11l1,1lhni ~"fli mjmrll'1J tn u r1w1x1mwr 11•1111tlmt:-tt1.!1Jllt:)' i-i. 1rn.11.turt1\c, yuu In ~ULH IL'ltri1, 1:tYi! U:. Ilic h1llilW1riL! rlilnr11111l111h1 llltt'r' ":,1,.llllllll ll dlfcl*t lll'llllll•! to 1;nm1 mly Caplliil H,111k f1J B11J. IH:;.i I ~o. 1 " /lo 111ml 111hm1t,!t11J/I: Y1.llH llilrn1i IJl'nl ilf1 uU11l lultfllll't. tlwbwrs, tutu 4.321 21/0 You written depute mus pwvde ult+cent IJoh,t, m11wJI/I• llw dull ... t amount ut th rqr {U nu mlo111111t,~111 Ill ldcnltly llll' n1.L1MJll1 llhd :.j11i1.II;,, WII\' 11111 111hH111Htum l'i ■(1<1~, 11,ii111t111/ /1wfll1•m. If )'VII 1/1111¼ (IUJII' l'j. Nil IJ/11.H Ufl )'Ulll 11111, Hr uat!, kn wtwl you tlwyn bely l 1 4 wony an) why yu stake ~A1iic111111! lriformnlhm Yu111 rn111111 Hn1J tten'llm1 11umLicr • Co11l-!tl l11!0111mllo111 Vum ;11J1Jro!I~ umJ lf:lcµlltlf111 11u111llil1 tau iinrt«nit.tu wullu ft) day alter ih1• 1111111" ffPl!l'-1ll'd u,1 yni,r ~hlll!ff!l!lll. 011,rn lrd 11110,m11t1011, !i.Jc11111~ lhll bLl'Ut/111 l11hx111,1huf1 d11tpu\ml 11r11j ill m1ihiln ',',l\y fuu h,~llt•v,· ii hi lr.111 1 w,1111 1 You lllU'~I rml1ly II!. ol ilfll' 1ivlc11l111I r.rtur:. 1/i IWdillt!- 'fot1111,11 i.iln 11"!,, 1~,11! •Suppmllng DoGu111enl;,lhm. II 1:1v,11llllJIL prllYHIC' !j Lt:il, 111 lllL' 111 1 , ywu lo we ate not purl lw uwreal any ptl euor» n} yuu ay Ill'' Cfl!dtl rl'pml •,huw1r11: the rcount +ntwualin you te ti.putty, llliVIJ lu pa~ 1t11: -l:IIIIOIUII Ill ljllf!~llOl'I. W1J will 11,vii~l•1:1111· llu.i ill'IIIIJJrtl 1111tlfmrJ1100 11ml ,cpurl 1111.l m~Utl'I lu ~OIi Wt w'wrspale wtether wr nut there has ten an trot, the totl0winy! w1ll1111 ~~o tJ,,y5, ul ljirnlfil 1.11 llw mli111, .. ,111.1n nnr·il11rl hw 11rn J1111"1J1Jl11.:1.1hLlf1 ll 11m li1w: t w fl thatatcwunt tr+ton ¥\'IJ 11JJ11Jtl1:!J ,~ 1m1ccur1,lc, wo will 1 W•~ rnrm111 IIY ILi l~Lllll!CI ll1L' 1:1/ J11 IJUC!l\ijJfJ, ,,r rcp,1rl yuu il:, IH1I01Jilly l1llr1hli! IIW f1fa'fH1.~1111'd11-ildhJ11 h~ 1·xi.;li qntXljl!li!I 111p11/11111~ dl.:IU!tjUClil vii ltH1I ,1H1tM1iit, /ll:1.rrv·y lu wl11ct1 Wt'.' 1r.p1.1rl1JcJ 1111: HIILlflllHIIOII. • rti,, rh1nt,~11 m 11111111il11J11111ay 11•1111.un 1m yow ~talcm<111l, l'lfll..l Y,'l' muy PAVMl!NTS MARKI!(> rl-'AID IN FULL·. fltl Wlilhm C1KIIIIHJl11Lt1l1tltl!j. tOJlllrlUI.! l!I Cl11111.ll' you IIIIL?ICSI on \h,11 ;m1,11mt. IJlJI, If i',u de tee ttal we iahe a itlak:, you wall not hv twpwy ll ay mwrrr vu nttr le auut i qwrw r lwt# to lhl aon 1%. l1!1!t<> Nuflh l•ml' 1(,()il h,1, Sl.llll, IDL !:kin Ar1,umu, JX /1:12'1I·~. " Wt11lc yuu iju 1101 h,IVIJ l{I 1my Ilic i\1111.lU!II 111 {IUCSIMI, ','iJII .,,r. rcs111 ni.llil11 1 DO NOT USE THE ENCLOSED REMITTANCE ENVELOP,, Im the 1r.nml11dc1 ul yul.11 l•Hll1fl1!C. Wn Ifill)' 11rr1Jpl p,1y1rn111I ?1••111 lc.i 1Jf1Y Olll•H Ndu'/1!55 Wlllllllll IO!llllR 1111y iii ■ Wi, 1.:1111 11111,ly i-,11y 1..111pH1d 111111M..1111 Ml,!.!llrl':JI y1•ur r11Jd11 111ml, out tph to pwwyen hull vptl' s an at.. rl.lfiJ -1:111d ,u11slr.i.:lnm w1lhm.11 f-JflOf Yam R(Jtli/1 If Yau llra DJ1111i1ffrtil Willi Yu11t C1n1/il Ciinl Piirrlrn,uJ written ippwoval 11 ~OU ,Ill! d1:.,1:1t!':.lll!d Wllll 111{' l'.00!.IS I.If ,icrv1c11s 111111 \'OIi llllv(! 1111r1 llllimd wall uu pod Lauth lo roerI unit ant, art ynu haw Ml CUSTOMER SERVICE. Vl!IJi fi1i111;1ilb,11t-l.ll1i11,v1 r~U l-8t,ti ~(.~ lt,22 (My Ii l'r- Pt1rk'I Mtt,l1t11i111•1} m J .H,,j,j l' 11 2~'.lb I Mr U.J'i> Perk! Wu1lrJ r,101,11'111 w,lt1 llni rn1~1cl111r1I, fi.l1i m,11 ilhv'1! lhi, flt!lil uni tu !™Y 1h11 111rnt1111111c au ha u Itprh M,1slel'Cllflll(IIIDl!IY I l:IJ:I B8]':) 191H). ht, all ol It 111 r thr lull wary mmu htJ 111.111 TELEPHONE MDNITOAINO lu jm,wld11 f_l'V wlll, /11t;.l1 i.t!.llll•ly !1-CIVICtl, j.i11ur111 t,um111v111i.:.t1hv11 1'1111!1 u.._ !h- 1110111tu1ml ur~/tlf rctiordmJ. I. lht i,wcl1,1i.C 1il~J~I h,11tt: lx:!'ll l11,1d,: i11 yum 111111111 tolflt,; 111 v,1\11111 IO1 llt,t, INI t.iJ PY 1t111n111 WIIII Clt.!111 ti!.lY,1111.:CS. !rum ilfl /\IM H WJlh ,I r.hcr.k 111111 iiC~l)llilfbii llltl!,1111>\ )·i!l l1t,v,1 hi!ly p,tld hw 11111111m:l1t1~11, Yuii 1111t11»ty HII \11 y111Jr AcHIIJl•l lm!Jt11c1J -1:1! imy 1111,u wtlhuul ptm;1lly. If ,1II ul llh.1 Cri\P.rf,1 hbuvli 11111111111 ,ml yrn1 {1H1 JJ.trll d1~wli1ih11tJ w,1111it1• St111l 111! im111lrin to; CUSTOMER SERVICt PO Dox 163003, Columbus, ,~ri:IIU!r.. U.!1 Ill j\'(IIIIIJ: Lit: Gi.w1im1\y Cn1111111 U,1l1k 1-'U l!LJJ. ll-'.n;10, Columns, hi+ 1321 262). Ohio 4]218 J003. 1 Send 111 b1111krnp1.:;, 1101lu·s ilnd retilltd com·1pa111lence tr, Cem1111lly \'ni1lr: 'Ml llm!:i.t1c111e, 1111! 1U1f1lu rulu·, 11j1pl)' In llw d1~1•ul•iiJ lll!l!IIJIII It" Capllnl Bak, Bwnkrpty Departmwnt, P0 Box 181043, Columbus, Ohio •l•'l•U'l'll'•I u(l{wr•, f\t11•1 W•! !1m~, UUf II\Vt'~llt~UIIIJl1, i'IL' Wiil li•II tlllJ 0111 ,1n rn,J04J. dr.Ll:.11.Ml. /I.I lll,1l l:il11nt, ii W11 llllllk °l't"i ,1m·1 /1ll lu111ii,.111t >1111! y~1~11h11111! 111,i,y 'fi1~ m;iy 11wo1l you t,':, \Ji.!lllltlut!lll. NOTIC! AOOUT f!Ll!t:TAONIG Gl-11:.CK CONVERSION. Whe_n yui, p1111rldfl" c/11:ck U1l 1111yrn1.:nl, y111i 11u!hu11Jt;: ,r. 11illl1·r \1.1 u~; 111,vrniuh\111 lwm yvu, PAYING INTEREST. Yuur •JIJI• tliilr. I~ ,ti IIHB,I :.'!, t.1i1yi.111\1 f llil.l 1 111...- 11111111.11 1 1 1 • ct..,,.k It• 11111~._. H rn1v \1rm.i (iJuclrnmL luml lr,111sl1:r 110111 you1 ,ICl!ui.llll ur 111 bUl1t1!_! t:'(dL Wl.l Will !ml Clh1,li•1 yrn1 lf1l!!rnllt 1111 puu!hh:.,.1111dyi.1111111y y11111 f1m/':1)1i, 1h11 j11iylr1rrn! 1111, 11 clck tuarwr ton Wen w us tonal!10,11 w,i 1:nlHI] li1:tlstllCI! IJy Ul S1nI01no111 closl110 duto .., Doya In bll!ln(I cycle 31 For information regarding credit counsel/n, services, cull H300·204•170G Account auo,tlon,7 Neeci to mAke a payment? Want to know hQw 10 go r•1p~rlgu? □ Vl,it myl>J&perks,com or call l-B44-2'.71-2635 (r omv l,BBB,819,191B), Wan! 10 ~t~y 111 tho know with credit tips I and news? Visit us at h1tt)boOl<.1.i0111/askt01i11!11ity of at, - -- ------- My BJ's Perks World Maslercard® Clves You MOREi __ __ Earn 3% cnsh bock on mosl ln•Club Don't lorgel! Save $.1 o oil po, gall,111 Koep shopping! Your ovolloble ond E! purchouoo,• al BJ"s Oas every day. l''lus, earn 2% ownrd balonco lo currenlly: Visit Accounl Cenler al comenlfy.neVbJs $D.DD. cash back when you fill up al non-BJ's lo view how many awords you have ~as slallons and when you dine out 0! Yo\,! Olo<) l1nv1J $0.72 uvt1lloblo 1otluy In ,eamlngt. towartl yrn,,11' 11<,xl uw,1,1rd. Don'! rorget that available awards can I)(! ut.QcJ In-Club nt 111~ rl)gi~tor.1 Delalla ol your tranaacllons TflAN$ OATC TnAN5AVTlON O[!SCAJPT!ON/LOCATION AMOUNT 02/24/2019 PAYMENT-TI-IANK YOU -S40 00 02/28/2019 BJ'S FUEL 9022PHILADELPHIA PA • Philadelphia-PA 1419 Total tees charged tor 1t1l0 period $0.00 Interest charged lntereel c11orge on purc11oesc $107.92 lntornl charge on cash advanco S0.00 lnieretit charga on ba lane:o lr'ah~for $0.00 Tolol Jnteroat for 11110 period $197,92 /\ccount ,rnmh1:11 u ~-004~ ~- l!'"'-~ ..... _!! mI1 Now bulum:o S8,468,99 99 3 Mlnlm11m pnyment I. $i81.00 □ Ye, I have moved or updated my e-mail address - see reverse ·nelosed; Amount by Puymcnl mu!.I rc;ut,h VG 6pm ET on 04/10/2019, $ 1 Ploaao mo~o chock poynblo lo. COMENITY - My BJ's Porks Maalorcard lbw+H[Ip«II[IE++4d[uh/'lwplwlll4bu[ll FIICO~~ rctum lliit1 i,ortion ,1lcng wllh yo1,1r pi,lymonl IQ, MYKHAYLU MYKULYAK 163 HULL ST PO BOX 659034 ANSONIA CT06401-1016 SAN ANTONIO TX 76265-9134 '1•l111ll111•1•11•111I11I11•1111111•1I1•1111111111•11111I1•I1I1l1 044 'My Bl'I Perks• Program is provid~rl by BJ's Whale!>.lle Ch1h, Inc ..rnd 111 term1 nay change from tlrne to lrnie. So111c c~ II YDll Tfl/111! Yuu Fl11il A Oh Ylllu MWttkti Stlff1m1rml 9%12% 23"1215%%. 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Aug 12, 2024 |24VECV01449

Case Number: 24VECV01449 Hearing Date: August 12, 2024 Dept: T 24VECV01449 ALLY BANK V WHITE [TENTATIVE] ORDER: Plaintiff Ally Banks Application for Writ of Possession is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Introduction Plaintiff Ally Bank (Plaintiff) moved for a writ of possession against Defendant Antonio White (Defendant). An opposition was due on July 30, 2024 and none was filed. Discussion Plaintiff failed to file proofs of service on the Summons and Complaint, as well as the Notice of Application for Writ of Possession. Without proofs of service, the Court lacks jurisdiction over Defendant. Without proofs of service, Defendant was not provided proper notice and opportunity to be heard on the application. Any orders issued without proper notice and opportunity to be heard are void. Plaintiffs application for writ of possession is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. _______________________________ ALTERNATIVELY, IF PLAINTIFF FILES THE PROOFS OF SERVICE FOR THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT AS WELL AS THE APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF POSSESSION PRIOR TO THIS HEARING DATE, THEN&. [TENTATIVE] ORDER: Plaintiff Ally Banks Application for Writ of Possession is GRANTED. The Court waives an undertaking from Plaintiff Ally Bank. Plaintiffs proof of service showed that Defendant was properly served with the summons and complaint and properly notified of the hearing on the application. (Code Civ. Proc. sec. 512.010.) Plaintiff provided a declaration to show the probable validity of their claim and right to repossess the vehicle from Defendant because Plaintiff provided evidence showing: Defendants entry into the Written Lease Agreement (Lease) for the vehicle; Plaintiff assignors performance of delivery of the vehicle; Defendants breach in failing to pay; and Plaintiffs damages. (Code Civ. Proc sec. 512.040.) (James Singleton Decl. pars. 5-9.) Plaintiff further provided that the vehicle is in the custody and control of Defendant and located at Defendants residence. (Singleton Decl. par. 10.) (Code Civ. Proc. sec. 512.060.) With Defendants breach, Defendant no longer has rights to possess and further refused to surrender the vehicle. Plaintiff has shown their rights to possession. Plaintiff submitted the amount owed on the account and the value of the vehicle. (Singleton Decl. pars. 6-7.) The evidence showed that the account balance exceeds the value of the vehicle and no equity exists for the Defendant. The Court finds that the requirement to post an undertaking is waived. (Code Civ. Proc. sec. 515.010.) Plaintiffs application for writ of possession is GRANTED.



Aug 06, 2024 |CGC17559532

Matter on the Law & Motion Calendar for Tuesday, August 6, 2024, Line 10. PLAINTIFF PMIG FINANCIAL, LLC's HEARING ON CLAIM OF EXEMPTION. The judgment debtor's claim of exemption is denied. The levying officer shall withhold $35 per pay period ($70 per month) from debtor's earnings and pay that sum to the judgment creditor. For the 9:30 a.m. Law & Motion calendar, all attorneys and parties may appear in Department 302 remotely. Remote hearings will be conducted by videoconference using Zoom. To appear remotely at the hearing, go to the court's website at under "Online Services," navigate to "Tentative Rulings," and click on the appropriate link, or dial the corresponding phone number. Any party who contests a tentative ruling must send an email to with a copy to all other parties by 4pm stating, without argument, the portion(s) of the tentative ruling that the party contests. The subject line of the email shall include the line number, case name and case number. The text of the email shall include the name and contact information, including email address, of the attorney or party who will appear at the hearing. If the court adopts the tentative ruling, it will execute a judicial council form of order reflecting the tentative. The court no longer provides a court reporter in the Law & Motion Department. Parties may retain their own reporter, who may appear in the courtroom or remotely. A retained reporter must be a California certified court reporter (CSR), for only a CSR's transcript may be used in California courts. If a CSR is being retained, include in your email all of the following: their name, CSR and telephone numbers, and their individual work email address. =(302/RBU)



Aug 06, 2024 |CGC23610527

Matter on the Law & Motion Calendar for Tuesday, August 6, 2024, Line 7. DEFENDANT TONY GARNICKI's Motion For Leave To File First Amended Answer To Complaint. Defendant's unopposed motion for leave to file a first amended answer is granted. For the 9:30 a.m. Law & Motion calendar, all attorneys and parties may appear in Department 302 remotely. Remote hearings will be conducted by videoconference using Zoom. To appear remotely at the hearing, go to the court's website at under "Online Services," navigate to "Tentative Rulings," and click on the appropriate link, or dial the corresponding phone number. Any party who contests a tentative ruling must send an email to with a copy to all other parties by 4pm stating, without argument, the portion(s) of the tentative ruling that the party contests. The subject line of the email shall include the line number, case name and case number. The text of the email shall include the name and contact information, including email address, of the attorney or party who will appear at the hearing. Counsel for the prevailing party is required to prepare a proposed order which repeats verbatim the substantive portion of the tentative ruling and must email it to prior to the hearing even if the tentative ruling is not contested. The court no longer provides a court reporter in the Law & Motion Department. Parties may retain their own reporter, who may appear in the courtroom or remotely. A retained reporter must be a California certified court reporter (CSR), for only a CSR's transcript may be used in California courts. If a CSR is being retained, include in your email all of the following: their name, CSR and telephone numbers, and their individual work email address. =(302/RBU)



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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.